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Sothebys 1999 British Pictures & 19th C Continental Pictures


Sotheby’s – London
Sale title – British Pictures & 19th C Continental Pictures
Date – 24th November 1999
No. of lots – 816
No. of pages – 112
Illustrated in colour and black & white
Abbott, J.w. 758 de Wint, P. 756 Highrnorg, J.
' - 686
Abbott, L.F. 727,741, 742 d'Entraygues, C.B. 593 Hils0e, H. 627
Affleck, W. 632 Diaz de la Pena, E. Attributed to 598 Hoedt, I.H.w. 585
Aikman, W. 675 Diemer, M.Z. 523 Hogarth, W. 692
Ajdukiewicz, Z. 616 Diez, W. von Attributed to 589 Hone,N. 737
Alberici, A. 563 Discart, J.B. 588 Hoppner,J. :705,708
Alken Jm., H. 806 Dommersen, P.c.c. 519,628. Hudson, T. 695,696,é97, 701
Alken, H. 805,807 Dommersen, W. 600 Hulk, I.E 629
Allan, Sir W. 788 Doneaud, J.E. 596 Hulk, Sm., A. 518
Alleyne, E 713 Douglas, E.A.S. 638 Hunt,C. 633,636
Atalaya, E. 594,615 Downing,D. 637 Hutchisson, W.H.E 732
Atch ...,J. 803 Dumaresq, A. 614 Huysman,I. 674
Dupré, J. 610
Ballavoine, J.E 592 Duxa, C. 550 Ibbetson, I.c. 751, 768
Barenger, I. 810 Dyck, Sir A. van 667,671,673 Ince, J.M. 786
Bariggi, G. 595 Dyf,M. 554 Italian School 508
Barker of Bath, J.J. 757
Barraud,H. 797 Echena,J. 587 Jacobsen, A. 573
Beavis, R. 639 Engelhart, c.e. 626 Jordan, E 536
Beck, W. 530 English Provincial School 683 Jungblut, J. 522
Beechey, Sir W. 712,747 English Provincial Schoo!, 18th
Blaas, E. de 630 Century 698 Kauffman, A. 798
Blanchard, A. 528 . English SchooL • 718,816 Kerseboom, I. 689
Boucart, G.H.A. 507 English Schoo!, 17th Century 664 Kettle, T. 719
Bouvard,A. 503,505,509,510,608 English Schoo!, 19th Century 707, Kneller, Sir G. 669, 676, 681, 682, 687
Bouvard,N. 501,502,506 711,729,743 Kozakiewcz, A. 617
Brandeis, A. 511 Kronberger, e. 622
Breakspeare, W. 634 Faivre, J-A. 605
Brindeau de Jarny, L.-E. 558 Ferneley, Jm., J. 812 Ladbrooke, J.B. 767
Brioschi, O. 575 Francais, EL. 609 Lawrence, Sir T. 710
Brown, E. 811 Franke, C. 513 Lazerges, P.J.B. 512
Bruck,L. 549 Franz, E.R. 597 le Cave, P. 790
Frère, E. 625 Leader, B.W. 650
Caffieri, H. 635 Frost, W.E. 804,815 Lecomte, H. 551
Caille; L.E. 624 Leeke, F. 619
Carpentiers, A. 679 Gainsborough, T. 717,726 Lely,SirP. 670,678
Cave, I.e. 580 Gaisser, M. 578 Leroy,J. 534
Chalon, A.E. 781 Galien-Laloue, E. 527 Lesre!,A.A. 539
Chalon, H.B. 733 Gheeraerts,. M. 666 Liebermann, E. 591
Chassevent-Bacques, G.A. 620 Gibson, P. 753 Lines, H.H. 780
Chinnery,G. 704,738 Gioja, B. 545,547 Livesay, R. 714
Churchyard, T. 778 Giradet,L. 571 Lloyd, T.1. 808
Clare, G. 644 Gonthier, e. 560 Lowry,S. 725
Clare, O. 640,643,657 Goodwin,A. 655 Luny, T. 662
Clare, V. 641,642 Grirnelund, J.M. 515
Claude, E. 556 GrÜn,J.A. 579 Maestri, M. Attributed to 543
Codina y Langlin, V. 541 Guzzardi, G. 540,570 Maldarelli, E 590
Constable, I. 709,762 Mariani 517
Constantini, V. 623 Haas, M.EH. de 760 Marin Higuero, E. 531,532
Conway,R. 766 Hamilton, G. 800 Martin, D. 721
Coo!,G. de 583 Hamilton, H.D. 793 Mascart, G. 559
Corelli, G. 565,574 Hampe!, W.s. 602 Mathieu, G. 537
Courten, A.comte de 618 Harlamoff, A. 604 Mellor, W. 653
Crome, W,H. 765 Hawkins, L.w. 631 Meyer-Waldeck, K. 577
Cuitt, G. 763 Hay ter, Sir G. 722 Mijn, E van der 703
Heirnes, H. 562 Millais, J.E. 647
Dahl, H. 520,524 Herring, B. 814 Millar, W. 685
Miro y Lleo, G. 526,529,566 Sherrin, J. 646
More,J. 752 Signorini, G. 538,544,546,557
Morland,G. 782, 783, 784 Smith,J.B. 652
Morot, A. 621 Smith,J.R 730
Morris, C. 779 Smith-Hald, E 564
Mosler,H. 569 Smythe, E.R 761
Muller, w.J. 776 Soest, G. 668,672,684
Mulvaney, G.E 736 Stannard, H.J.5. 648,649
Mytens, D. 665 Stark, J. 755
Stein, G: 525
Nasmyth, E.W. 775 Stevens, A. 567
Nasmyth, P. 772,809 Stothard, T. 799
Nicol, E. 802 Swaine, E 658,661,663
Nieolet, G. 555
Norman,A. 521,611 Tafuri, R 607
Northcote, J. 791 Thompson, H. 552
Todd,G. 645
Ogilvy, C. 654 Tordi, S. 548
Owen,W. 724,735,795 Troy, Ede 690
Turner,D. 777
Pap, E. 581 Turner, J.M.W. 764
Partridge, J. 744,749,796
Peluso, E 582 van der Mijn, E 688
Peters, the Rev.M.W. 728 Veron,A.R 613
Pether, H. 770 Vickers,A. 774
Pether, S. 769 Villegas y Cordero, J. 542
Petitjean, E.M. 576 von Amer/ing, E 603
Petruolo, S. 514
Pfeiffer, W. 561 Walker,R 702
Phillips, H.w. 734 Walter,J. 656
Phillips, T. 748 Watson, G.5. 720
Pickering, H. 693 Watts, EW. 651,771
Picou, E. 572 West, B. 792
Pilny,O. 586 West, RL. 801
Pine, RE. 715 Wetherill, A. 754
Piot,A. 606 Wheeler, J.A. 813
Wilkie, Sir D. 716,794
Reinagle, P. 746 Wille, C.von 535
Reutlingen, P.K. 599,601 Wissing, W. 677
Reynolds, Sir J. 699,731 Wivell,A. 745
Ribot, G. 553 Wootton,J. 750
Ricciardi, O. 516 Wright of Derby, J. 694
Rigolot, A.G. 612 Wyld, W. 785
Riley, J. 680
Rippingill, EV 739 Zampighi, E.E. 584
Roberts, D. 787 Zatzka,H. 568
Romney,G. 700,723 Ziem, E 504
Ruiz Guerrero, M. 533
Salter, W. 706
Sartori us, E 659
Sartorius, W. 789
Schetky, J.c. 660
Seeman, E. 691
Seton, J.T. 740
Shayer, C. 773
Shayer, Sm., W. 759

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  • SKU: 8295
  • Shipping Weight: 352g
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Sothebys
  • Condition: Good

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