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Sothebys 1998 Important Old Master Paintings


Sotheby's - New York
Sale title – Important Old Master Paintings    
Date – 30th January 1998
No. of lots - 299
No. of pages – 435, 6 fold outs
Illustrated in colour

Aertsen, Piete,., Attributed to 263
Alvaro di Pietro 17S
Arellano, Juan de 84,112,113
Baburen, Dirck van, Studio of 264
Bachelier, Jean-Jacques 110,253
Backer, Jacob d~ 129
Backhuysen, Ludolf '77,,88
Baellieur, Cornelis de and Frans Francken,
the Younger 224
Beert, the Eider, Osias 91, 220
Begeyn, Abraham Jansz, 191
Berchem, Nicolaes 89
Bertin, Jean Victor 189,190
Bidauld, Joseph, Attributed to 171
Bijlert, Jan van 88
Bison, Giuseppe Bernardino 60,296,297
Bisschop, Cornelis 166
Bloemaert, Abraham 17
Boilly, Jules Léopold, Attributed to 299
Boilly, Louis-Léopold, Attributed to 298
Bol, Ferdinand s
Bol, Hans 123
Borssom, Anthonie van 154
circa 1550, after 240
Bosio, Jean-Baptiste-Francçois 202
Bosschaert, the EIder, Ambrosius 32A
Boucher, François 168
Boullogne, Louis de 284
BeUYS, André 201
Brueghel, the Younger, Jan 70,183
Brueghel, the Younger, Pieter, Attributed ta
Brueghel, III, Pieter 72
Brussels School, circa 1530 71
Bugiardini, Giuliano di Piero 187
Calvaert, Denys 56
Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canal, cal1ed
Cappelle, Jan van de 19
Caracciolo, Giovanni Battista, ca!led Il
Battistello 219
Caravaggio, Circle of 135
Carlieri, Alberto 179
Carracci, Ludovico 117
Casissa, Nicola 6
Cerquozzi, M ichelangelo 290
Coello, Alonso Sanchez 242
Coli, Giovanni and Filippo Gherardi 42
Continental School, 19th Century 243
Corvi, Domenico 122
Cossiers, Jan 249
Courteille, Nicolas de 159
Coypel, Antoine 53
Cozza, Francesco 278
Crespi, Giuseppe Maria 44
Creti, Donato 210
Creti, Donato and Studio 158
David, Gerard, Attributed ta 6,
Deshays de Colleville, Jean-Baptiste-Henri
Diepenbeeck, Abraham Jansz, van,
Attribllted to 272
Dolci, Carlo 43
Droiling, Martin 147,157,186
Drouais, frllllois Hubert, Circlc of 260
Dllcrell~, Joseph 1~5
Ducros, Abraham-Louis-Rodolphe 126
Duyster, 'Villem Cornelisz" Attributed to
Dyck, Anthony van, Studio of
Eschard, Charles 142
Esteve,Miguei 268A
Fabris, Pietro 136
Fabris, Pietro, Attribllted to 273
Favanne, Henri-Antoine de 217
*""*Fenouil 293
Ferraiuolo, Nunzio and Francesco Monti,
called Il Mirandolese 107
Fiasella, Domenico 78
Fieravino, Francesco, ca lied Il Maltese 165
Fiorenzo di Lorenzo 250
Flemish Artist active in Ital)', 17th Cent ury
Flemish School, circa 1600 29
F1emish School, 17th Century 276,285, 289
Flemish School, 18th Century 156
Floris, Frans 215
Fontainebleau School, 17th Century 90
deBaellieur 224
Galizia, Fede, Follower of 225
Gandolfi, Gaetano I22A
Garofalo, Benvenuto Tisi, called Il 180
Genod, Michel Philibert 130
Genoese School, circa 1650 261
Gérard, Baron, François-Pascal-Simon 131
Gérard, Baron, François-Pascal-Simon
and Studio 132
Gherardi, Filippo and Giovanni Coli 42
Giaquinto, Corrado 216
Giuntotardi, Filippo, 233
Gossaert, Jan, called Mabuse 73
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste 120
Grimmer, Abel, Studio of 239
Gros, Baron Antoine-Jean 144
Guardi, Francesco 64,121,167,18]
Guercino, Giovanni Francesco B<u'bieri,
called il 61
Guercino, Giovanni Françesw Barbiel'i,
called a, C:rcle ot 274
Guerrieri, Giovanni Francesco, Attributed
to 182
GUyot, JulIe 149
Hals, Frans, Studio of 251
Heem, Cornelis de 37
Heyden, Jan van der, Attributed to 259
Hondecoeter, Melchior de, Studio of 7
Hooch, Pieter Hendricksz, de 125
Huet, Jean-Baptiste 96
Italian Schoal, 18th Century 282
Janneck, Franz Christoph, Attributed to
Jeaurat, Etienne 294
Jollain, Pierre, Attributed ta 286
Jouvenet, Jean Baptiste 55
Kruys, Cornelis 200
Lacroix de Marseille, Charles François
Grenier de Lacroix, ca lied 51,246
Lafosse, Charles de, Attributed to 267
Lagrenée, Jean-Jacques 83
Lagrenée, Louis Jean François 197
Lallemand, Jean-Baptiste 257
Lancret, Nicolas 114
Le Moyne, François ,lA
LeClerc, Louis Auguste 214
Liégeois, Paul, Attributed to
Ligozzi, Jacopo 48
Loir, Marianne 2
Lorenzo di Niccolà 22
Lucas, Augur 28}
Luini, Bernardino, Studio of 206
Lundberg, Gustaf, Attributed ta 271A
Lusurier, Catherine, Attributed ta 109
Maes,Nicolaes 1}
Man, Cornelis de }O
Mander, Karl van 227
Manglard, Adrien 6}
Maso da San Friano, Tommaso d'Antonio
Manzuoli, called 26
Master of the Female Half-Lengths,
Attributed to 228
Maton, Bartolomaus }}
Mengs, Anton Raphael 252
Mengs, Anton Raphael, Circle of 2}7
Miel, Jan, Attributed to 2}0
Migliara, Giovanni 140
Mignon, Abraham 10
Moeyaert, Nicolaes Cornelisz. 14
Molenaer, Jan Miense 268
Womper, Joos de 76
Monti, Francesco, called Il Mirandolese
and Nunzio Ferraiuolo 107
Morales, Luis de 81
Motta, Raffaellino, called Raffaellino da
Reggio 258
Mura, Francesco de 262
Murillo, Bartolomé Estèban 45,59,82
Mytens,Jan 9
Napoletano, Francesco, Attributed to 265
Nattier, Jean-Marc, Studio of 280
Neapolitan School, 17th Century 2}8
Neer, Aert van der, Attributed to 209
Netscher,Caspar 8
Oosten, Isaak van 173
Ostade, Adriaen van 178,288
Oudry, Jacques-Charles 226, 279
Oudry, Jean-Baptiste 94
Padovanino, called, Alessandro Varotari,
Attributed ta 162
Panini, Gian Paolo 20
Panini, Giovanni Paolo, Studio of 127,
Passerotti, Bartolomeo 2-lA, ÎÎ
Pater, Jean-Baptiste 9},118
Peeters, Gillis 86
Pellegrini, Giovanni Antonio 176
Pepyn, Marten 169
Perrier, François, Circle of 222
Picart, Jean-Michel 50
Pierre, Jean-Baptiste Marie 100,102
Pittoni, Giovanni Battista 196
Attributed to 236
Stella, Jacques 152
Stella, Jacques, Attributed to 40
Stocldin, Christian 207
Strozzi, Bernardo 151
Strozzi, Zanobi di Benedetto 1
Sweerts, Michael 67
Poerson, Charles 52 Tardieu, Jean-Charles 133
Poli, Gherardo and Giovanni 174 Ten Compe, Jan 85
Teniers, the Younger, David 34, 234
Quitter, Herman Hendrick 3, 4 Ter Brugghen, Hendrick 54
Ter Brugghen, Hendrick, Studio of 213
Raeburn, Henry 97 Tilborgh, Gillis van 195
Raphael, After 170 Tintore, Simone del 193
Recco, Giuseppe 47 Tironi, Francesco 99
Regnier, Nicolas, Attributed ta 111 Tocqué, Louis 103
Rembrandt Hannensz. van Rijn 18 Tano Fei, Giovanni di, Attributed to 164
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn, Studio of Toorenvliet, Jacob 15
Tosini, Michele, called Michele di Ridolfo
Rembrandt van Rijn, After 244 dei Ghirlandaio 24
Reynolds, Joshua 229 Trevisani, Francesco 129A
Ricci, Marco 116 Turchi, Alessandro 194
Ricci, Marco, Attributed ta 161
Righini, Jean Philippe Leon 134 Valade, Jean 101
Robert, Hubert 106, 108, 1}5A Valenza, Jacopo da 247
Roman School, circa 1750 155 Vasari, Giorgio, Circle of 223
Roman School, 1769 146 Veen, Pieter van 149
Romney, George 98 Verhaecht, Tobias, Circle of 271
Rosi, Alessandro 79 Vernet, Claude Joseph 105, 108A, 119
Rubens, Peter Paul 39, 75, 137 Veronese, Paolo, Attributed ta 231
Rubens, Peter Paul, Manner of 295 Veronese, Paolo, Studio of 245
Ruisdael, Jacob Isaacksz. van 38 Verspronck, Johannes Cornelisz. 69
Ruysdael, Salomon van 87 Vien, Joseph Marie, Attributed to 281
Vigée Le Brun, Elisabeth Louise 115
Sacchi, Andrea, Attributed ta 80 Vitali, Filippo 198
Salm, Abraham van 11,12 Vlieger, Simon de 32
Salviati, Francesco 21 Vogelaer, Karel van 46,248
Sarto, Andrea dei, Circle of 277 Volaire, Pierre Jacques Antoine 62
Scazoli, Paolo Antonio de 28 Vos, Maerten de 143
Schall, Jean-Frédéric 212 Vouet, Simon 57
Schiavone, Giorgio Chiulinovich, called 25
Schoevaerdts, Mathys, Attributed ta 203 Wedig, Gotthardt de, Attributed ta 208
Schopfer, the Eider, Hans 143A Wïnck, Johann Amandus 192
Sienese School, 17th Century 172 Witte, Emanuel de 68
Sogliani, Giovanni Antonio 25A Wittel, Gaspar van, called Vanvitelli 58
Sola rio, Andrea, French 16th Century vVouters, Frans 74
Follower of 218 vVouwermans, Philips 124
Sole, Giovanni Gioseffo dal 287A

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  • SKU: 7526
  • Shipping Weight: 1652g
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Sothebys
  • Condition: Good

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