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Phillips March 1997 19th Century European Paintings and Watercolours


Phillip's - New Bond Street, London
Sale title - 19th Century European Paintings and Watercolours
Sale date - 18th March 1997
No. of lots - 174
No. of pages - 89
Illustrated in colour and black & white



Achenbach, A. Jacobi, J.
Adam, B. Janssaud, M.
Aivazovsky, I.K. Kato, E.
Barbaro, G. Kerkhove, Jan van de
Barnoin, H.A. Koekkoek, H.W.
Barucci, P. Koningh, L. de
Bauerle, C.W.F. Kotzebue, A. von
Bauernfeind, G. Kraemer, P.
Berchere, N. Kuhnert, W.
Bergamini, F. Lambert, E.
Billet, P Lassalle, L.
Billing, L.T. Leene, J. van de
Blanche, J.E. Leeuw, A. de    1
Bloemers, A. Leibl, W.M.H.    28
Blondin, C. Leickert, C.H.J.    75
Boehm, E. Leloir, M.    154
Bonheur, A. Levis, M.    43
Borione, B.L. Lisle, F. de    145
Bortoluzzi, M. Litfass, H.    15
Brandeis, A. Ludke, A.    18
Brozik, W. Mackensen, F.    99
Brugghen, G.A. van der Madiol, A.J.    89
Caldini    65 Mainella, R.    161,    162
Campotosto, H.    2, 4 Malfroy, FI.    33
Castaigne, A.    34 Mali, C.F.    25
Chintreuil, A.    51 Massani, P.    71,    164
Ciardi, E.    68 Mathieu, G.    46
Combes, V.    150 Merite, C.    49
Combet-Descombes,    P.    132 Meyerheim, W.A.    22
Continental School 30, 116, 120, 122 Michel, G.    155
Cormon, F. Montalant, J.O. de    66
Couver, J. van Moretti, R,    160
Croatto, B. Muller, C.L.    141
Damschroeder, J.J.M. Muller-Cornelius, L.    92
Dargelas, A.H. Muyden, E.L. van    108
Daubigny, C.F1 Navone, E.    172
Deiker, C.F. Neapolitan School    67,    170
Delacroix, H. Negri, A. del    58
Delpy, H.C. Ostersetzer, C.    114
Delpy, J.H. Paoletti, A.E.    169
Deutsch, L. Pasini, A.    74
Dommersen, P.C. Paul, E.    21
Donadoni, S. Penne, C.O. de    44
Duntze, J.B. P***R**    90
Durand-Brager, J.B. H. Pradilla, J.    171
Dutch School Ravier, A.F.    144
Eycken, F. van den Repin, I.E.    127
Faber du Faur, H. von Reymann, T.    37
Fleury, F.A.I.. Ricciardi, O.    157
Flieher, K. Roman, J.    133
Francais, EL. Rose, J.    95
Frank, F. Rousseau, T.    47A,    130
French School Saint-Marcel-Cabin, C.E.    148
Frere, C.E. Salentin, H.    27
Galea, L.M. Sandrucci, G.
Garcia y Ramos, J. Scarselli, A.
Gavarni, P. Schranz, A.
Geoffroy-Dechaume, C.L. Schutz, J.K
Gerasch, A. Schwab, M.
German School Seben, H. van
Giacomclli, V. Servin, A.E.
Gianni, E. Severdonck, F. van
Gillot, E.L. Sichel, N.
Gioja, B. Sorolla y Bastida, J.
Goabe de Bellee, L. Streitt, F.
Goebel, C. Styka, A.
Graef, G. Szamossy, E.
Guillemet, J.B.A. Thoma, H.
Guys, C. Thorell, H.K.
Hamme, A. van Tormer, B.E
Harpignies, H.J. Tornai, G.
Hennicke, W. Trouillebert, P.D.
Herbo, L. Tschaggeny, E.J.B.
Hofman, K. Unterberger, HR.
Holst, L.B. Vautier, B.
Hostein, E.J.M. Vernet, E.J.H.
Hulk, A. Vos, V. de
Indoni, F. Zampighi, E.
Israels, 1. Zatzka, H.
Italian School  


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  • Model: w_wat.1352
  • SKU: 41473
  • Shipping Weight: 366g
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Phillips
  • Condition: Marked

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