Sotheby's - London
Sale title - Old Master Drawings
Date - 11th November 1997
No. of lots - 318
No. of pages - 125
Illustrated in colour and black & white
Aartman, Nicolaes
Drielst, Egbert van
Agricola, Christoph Ludwig
Druck, Ludwig Friedrich
Dubourg, Louis Fabritius
Agricola, Attributed to Christoph Dutch School, 16th Century
Dutch School, 17th Century
Asselijn, Jan
Avercamp, Hendrick
Dutch School, 18th Century
Bakhuizen, Ludolf
Balen, Attributed to Hendrik van
Baur, Johann Wilhelm
Dutch School, circa 1700
Beauvais, Attributed to Dutch School, 19th Century
Nicholas de
Dyck, Circle of Sir Anthony van
Beijer, Jan de
Dyck, Follower of Sir
Bemel, Karl Sebastian von
Anthony van
Berchem, Nicolaes
Berchem, Circle of Nicolaes
Ebelmann, Johannes
Berchem, Follower of Nicolaes
Eeckhout, Gerbrand van den
Berckheyde, Attributed to Eeckhout,Attributed to
Gerrit Andriaensz.
Gerbrand van den
Bergmuller, Johann Georg
Elliger,Attributed to Anthonie
Bisschop, Jan de
Esselens, Attributed to Jacob
Bisschop, Attributed to
Jan de
Esselens, Follower of
Blarenberghe, Follower of
Louis-Nicolas van
Flemish School, 16th Century
Bleeck, Attributed to Richard van
Flemish School, circa 1600
Blocklandt, Circle of Flemish School, 17th Century
Anthonie van
Floris, Frans
Floris, Circle of Frans
Bock the Younger, Hans
Fokke, Simon
Borcht the Elder, Henrik van den
Franchoys the Younger, Borselen, Pieter van
Attributed to Lucas
Both,Attributed to Andries
Franck, Pauwels, called Paolo
Bramer, Leonaert
Bril,Circle of Paulus
Francken I,Attributed
Bril, Follower of Paulus
to Ambrosius
Brueghel the Elder, Jan
French School, 19th Century
Brueghel the Elder, Circle of Jan
Brueghel the Elder, Follower Furnerius,Attributed to Abraham
of Jan
Fyt, Jan
Brueghel the Younger,
Attributed to
Gael, Attributed to Barent
Brussel, Hermanus van
Gael, Pieter
Geel, Attributed to Jacob van
Casanova, Francesco Giuseppe
Genoels, Abraham
Chodowiecki, Daniel Nicolas
German School, 16th Century
Claterbos, Augustijn
German School, circa 1600
Clerck, Attributed to Hendrick de
German School, 17th Century
Coetsz., H**
Cooghen, Attributed to German School, 18th Century
Leendert van der
German School, 19th Century
Danckerts, Hendrik
Ghcyn H, Attributed to Jacques de
Diepenbeeck, Abraham van
Gheyn H,Circle of Jacques de
Dillis, Johann Georg von
Goeree, Jan
Dolen,Vincent van
Goltzius, Hendrik
Goyen, Jan Josefsz. van
Poelenburch, Cornelis van
Troost, Attributed to Cornelis
Potuyl, Hendrick
Preissler, Attributed to Valentin Ulft,Jacob van der
H** B** Daniel
Umbach, Jonas
Haarlem School, 17th Centur
Pronck, Attributed to Cornelis
Hackaert, Jan
Pynas, Jan
Vaillant, Wallerant
Hardenburgh, Cornells van
Velde the Elder,Willem van de
Henning, Christian
Quast, Pieter
Velde the Younger, Willem van de
Henstenburgh, Herman
Quellinus the Younger, Erasmus
Velde, Adriaen van de
Himpel, Aernout ter
Velde, Esaias van de
Holsteyn the Younger, Pieter
Velde, Circle of Esaias van de
Hoogers, Hendrik
Raffet, Denis-Auguste-Marie
Verkolje, Jan
Horemans, Attributed to Jan Josef
Rembrandt, Attributed to
Verrijk, Dirck
Huysum, Attributed to
Justus van
Rembrandt, Circle of
Verschuring, Hendrik
Renesse, Constantin Daniel van
Vianen, Attributed to Paulus van
Janson, Pieter
Ridinger,Attributed to Visse, Evert Reijersz.
Jode the Elder, Pieter de
Johann Elias
Vlieger, Simon Jacobsz. de
Jordaens, Jacob
Rozeau, Josias
Vos, Maerten de
Rubens, Sir Peter Paul
Vries, Dirck de
Kager, Attributed to Ruisdael, Circle of Jacob van
Vroom, Hendrik Cornelisz
Johann Mathias
Kessel, Jan van
Sadeler, Attributed to Aegidius
Waay, *** van der
Klomp,Aelbert Jansz.
Saenredam, Attributed to
Wael, Attributed to Cornelis de
Kniep,Attributed to Christoph
Saftleven, Cornelis
Weyer, Jacob Matthias
Knip, Josephus Augustus
Saftleven, Herman
Wit, Jacob de
Kobell, Ferdinand
Sallaert, Anthonie
Wit,Attributed to Jacob de
Sandrart, Joachim von
Langendijk, Dirk
Sauvage, Jean-Pierre
Wouwerman, Follower of Philips
Eastman, Attributed to Pieter
Savery, Jacob
Wtewael, Attributed to Joachim
Lexmond,Attributed to Savery, Roelandt
Johannes van
Schaghen, J** P**
Wulfhagen, Attributed to Franz
Liender, Pieter van
Schalke, Attributed to
Lievens, Jan
Cornelis van de
Xhrouet, Mathieu
Lint, Circle of Hendrik Frans van
Schellinks, Willem
Lobrij, W**
Schley, Jacob van der
Loo, Circle of Carle van
Schorer, Attributed to
Loo, Attributed to Pieter van
Hans Friedrich
Schotel, Johannes Christiaan
Maes, Godfried
chouman, Follower of Aart
Schut, Attributed to Cornelis
Meulen,Adam Frans van der
Schodlberger, Johann Nepomuk
Meyer, Christoffel
Schiibler, Joh. Jacob
Meyer, Hendrik
Sepp, Christiaan
Mieris,Willem van
Skreta, Attributed to Karel
Snyders, Attributed to Frans
Molijn, Pieter
Spaendonck, Circle of Gerard van
Momper,Joos de
Straaten, Hendrik van der
lerman van
Moucheron, Isaac de
Swiss School, 16th Century
Mulier, Pieter
Swiss School, 17th Century
Neyts, Gillis
Tavenier, Hendrik
Nielsen, Christian Willem
Teniers the Younger, David
Noort,Adam van
Thopas, Johan
Thulden, Theodoor van
Pecham, Attributed to Georg
Toeput, called Pozzoserrato
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