Sotheby's - London
Sale title - Important Impressionist and Modern Paintings and Sculpture
Date - 5th April 1978
No. of lots - 71
No. of pages - unpaginated
Illustrated in colour
Bonnard, P., 20, 35
Boudin, E., 3,13.17
Brauner, V., 45
Magritte, R., 39, 47
Marquet, A., 29, 30, 70
Matisse, P., 24
Matta, R. E., 46
Monet, c., 9
Chagall, M., 21, 26, 33
Corot, J. B. c., I, 2
Picasso, P., 43. 44, 54
Dali, S., 42, 48
Degas, E., 14
Dufy, R., 63, 64, 69
Renoir, P. A., 4, 7. 8, 12
Rodin, A., 5, 10, 15, 16
Ernst, M., 41
Foujita, T.,36
Friesz, 0.,22
Schlemmer, O., 57
Signac, P., 17
Sislcy, A., 6
Staël,N. de, 37,S3
Herbin, A., 52 Taeuber-Arp, S., SI
Utrillo, M., 19, 23, 65, 66
Kandinsky, W., 38
Kirchner, L., 59
Van Dongen, K., 27, 62
Vlaminck, M. de, 31, 6r, 67, 68, 71
Jongkind, J. R, II
Laurencin, M., 32
Lebasque, H., 25
Leger, F., 40 Zadkine, O., 60
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