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Sothebys 1981 Silver, Scottish & Sporting Paintings


Sotheby's - Hopetoun House, Scotland
Sale title - Silver ...... Scottish & Sporting Paintings, Drawings, Watercolours and Prints 
Date - 16th & 17th November 1981
No. of lots - 788
No. of pages - 128
Illustrated in black and white & colour

Stain on some pages
INDEX Adams D Lived London Exh R A Aikman G W Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh U S A R A Aitken J A Lived Glasgow Exh R S A Allan A Lived Ayrshire Glasgow Cathcart Exh Allan W Edinburgh Exh Armfield Armour G D Lived Edinburgh Welwyn Devi es Chippenham Purton Corshum Malmesbury Yeovil Sherborne Exh U S A R A Armour W Lived Milngavic Exh U S A U S W Armstrong W Lived Glencaird Ayr Baird Ballingall A Lived Edinburgh Exh U S A Barclay J R Lived Edinburgh St Ives Exh U S A U S W Barker G W Barker I Barry W Lived Edinburgh Exh U S A Bear G P Lived Glasgow Kirkcudbright Exh U S A Black A Glasgow Exh Blackadder E V Modern artist Blair J Lived Edinburgh Exh E S A U S W Booth J W Lived Manchester Scalbey London Exh U A Bough S Carlisle Edinburgh Lived Glasgow Edinburgh Bourne S Lived Nottingham Bristowe E S Lived Surrey Bristowe S Lived Surrey Brooks J Brown A K Lived Glasgow Exh R A U S A Brown G Lived Aberdeen Paisley Glasgow Exh U S W Brown C Lived Glasgow Exh U S A Brown W B Lived Edinburgh Exh U S A R A Brown W F Lived Glasgow Exh U S A U S W Browning A K b Lived London Ampthill Exh U A U S A Burns A S Lived Stonehaven Exh U S A Cadell F C B Edinburgh Exh U S A Ed Juliens Paris Worked frequently on Iona with Pcploe Cairney T Lived Glasgow Exh U S A Callow W Lived Gt Missenden Ed Paris Exh U W S Calvert E S Glasgow Lived Glasgow London Paris Exh U S A U S W Cameron Sir J Y Glasgow Perth Lived Kippcn Sutherland Exh U S A U A Knighted Cameron K Glasgow Edinburgh Also lived in Stirling Exh U S A Campbell U H Lived Edinburgh London Exh U S A R A Campbell T Paisley Glasgow Exh U S A Carrick W A L Lived Glasgow Biggar Forres Exh U S A Carse A Lived Edinburgh L ondon Exh R A Cassie A Cassie J Keith Hall I Edinburgh Lived Aberdeen Exh U A Chalmers H Lived Edinburgh Exh U S A Chalmers J Lived Glasgow Exh U S A Christie J E Lived London Glasgow Exh R A R S A Clarke S Cleminson R Cook Corbould A U C Craig U H Cranstoun J H Lived Perthshire Exh U S A Crawford E T Nr Dalkeith Lasswade Lived Loanhead Edinburgh Exh U S A Worked in Holland Crealock H Crossland J H b Lived Lake District Exh R A Cubley H H Lived Newark Wolverhampton Matlock Exh R A R S A Curric W Lived Greenock Dalglish A A Lived Pollokshiclds Exh U S A U S W Davis H B Lived Birmingham De Breanski A Lived Cookham Berks Greenwich Exh R A De Prades A E Lived in London Exh R A Devis A W Diaz R Lived Glasgow Dick J A Lived Dunoon Glasgow Exh U S A Dobson C Bradford Lived Edinburgh Galloway Glasgow Exh U S A U S W U A Dodds G M Douglas W A Downie P Lived Greenock Paisley Glasgow Skelmorlie Largs Kilbride Ed Paris Exh U S A U A Dudgeon T Lived in Glasgow Duncan W Dunnington A Exh Lived Nottingham Eadie U Glasgow Ed Munich and Paris Exh U S A R A U S W Egginton W Birmingham Lived Wallasey Liverpool Newton Abbot Teignmouth Exh U A Elford V Elmer S laved London Enness A W b Lived Whitley London Exh R S A Faed J Kirkcudbright Lived London Edinburgh Gatehouse Faed J Jnr Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Exh U S A Faed T Lived Edinburgh Exh U S A U A Falconer D Farquharson J Blairgowrie Lived Edinburgh Senncn Cove Pcnznnce London Exh U S A U A Farquharson J Edinburgh rinzean Livocl Edinburgh London Pupil Peter Graham Exh R A Fergusson J D Leith Lived and worked in Paris and London Fischer J Ci P Lived London Eraser A Lived Musselburgh Edinburgh Exh U S A U A Eraser M Fraer W M Sconel Edinburgh Lived Perth Edinburgh Exh U S A French F Fulton S Lived Torrance Campsil Glen Kilmalcolm Exh U S A U S W Gavin R Leith Newhaven Lived Cherry Bank Ncwhaven Edinburgh Visited North Africa Exh U S A Gibson J B Glasgow Lived Milngavie Killearn Exh R S A Gillies Sir W G Haddington Lived Edinburgh Exh U S A Glass J H Lived Pencaitland Musselburgh Exh R S A Glass W M Lived Edinburgh Exh U S A U A Cadell Cioudie A Living artist Cjow J F M See Mackintosh Cowans G U c Lived Aberdeen Exh U S W U S A Graham P Lived London St Andrews Exh U S A U A Gray J C Lived Dundee Greenlees U Lived Glasgow Exh U S A U S W Haigh Hall H U Lived Blackpool Broughton in Furness Exh U S A U A Hamilton J W Glasgow I Helensburgh Lived Helensburgh Glasgow Edinburgh Exh U S A U A Harding Hardy H Lived London Worthing Exh R A U W S Studied Paris and Antwerp Hardy J Jnr Lived Bristol London Exh U A Hay W H b Birkenhead Lived Glasgow Exh U S A U S W Henderson J Glasgow Lived Glasgow Exh U S A Henderson Joseph Edinburgh Exh U A R S A Father Joseph Morris and John Henderson J M Lived Glasgow Busby (Lanarkshire) Exh U S A Herald J W Forfar Lived Edinburgh London Arbroath Exh Herdman R D Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Exh U S A U S W Hines F Lived Epping Chingford Exh U A Holt E F Lived Nottingham Horlor G A Horlor G W Lived Cheltenham Birmingham Brentford Exh Hornel E A Bacchus Marsh Australia Lived Edinburgh Kirkcudbright Glasgow Exh R S A R A R S W Ed Antwerp Houston G Dairy Lived Glasgow Dairy Exh R S A Houston R Glasgow Lived Kilbirnie Helensburgh and Glasgow Exh Hunter G L Rothesay Lived Glasgow Exh R S A Ed San Francisco Paris Worked in Italy Hurt L B Ashbourne Matlock Lived Darley Dale Exh R S A Hutchison R G Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Musselburgh Exh R S A Mutton T S Lived Glasgow Liverpool Cheshire Exh R S A Ibbetson T C b Fulneck Masham Visits to Edinburgh in Joy C Kay J Iamlash Lived Glasgow Pollokshields Whistlefields Exh Kerr G C Lived Gillingham Rochester Exh R S A R A Kidd W Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh London Exh R S A R A King J h New Kilpatrick Kirkcudbright Lived Glasgow Pendleton Paris and Kirkcudbright Exh R S A R S W Knox J Lived Glasgow Exh R A Laing J G Aberdeen Glasgow Lived Glasgow Exh R S A R A Laing T Lived Partick Exh R S A Lamond W B Dundee Lived Dundee Tayport Exh R S A R A Lauder J E Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh London Exh R A R S A Lavery Sir J Belfast Kilmanganny Lived London Paris Exh R S A R A Lauder H Law A Kilmaurs Lived Kilmarnock Glasgow Exh R S A Law D Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh London Exh R A R S W Lochhead J Glasgow Lived Edinburghÿ Craigmill Campsic Glen Abinger (Ayrshire) Exh R S A R A Lodder C A Lived Edinburgh Largs Exh R S A Lodge G E Jl Lived London Exh R A Lumsden E S I b Lived Reading Edinburgh Exh R S A R A Lyon T B b Lived Ayrshire Exh R S A R S W MacCormack McCulloch H Glasgow Lived Glasgow Exh R S A R A Studied under John Knox Macdonald J B Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A Pupil Robert Scott Lauder Macdonald J S Macdonald M Jl Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A McEwan T Glasgow Lived Helensburgh Strathbungo Gourock Exh McGeehan J M Jl Lived Airdrie Glasgow Exh R S A R A McGhie J Glasgow Lived Hamilton Exh R S A R A McGlashan A A Lived Paisley Glasgow London Exh R S A R A McGregor R Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A R A Macgregor W Y Finnart Bridge Allan Lived Glasgow Stirling Exh Mackay li B Jl McKay T H Jl Lived Glasgow Exh R S A Mackellar D Glasgow I Lived Glasgow Exh R S A R A R S W Macleod W J Lived Milngavie Exh E S A McMillan T Mackintosh G J F Jl Lived Edinburgh Belgium Exh R S A McNce Sir D Fintry Lived Edinburgh London Exh R S A R A Macnee R R Milngavie Lived Glasgow Edinburgh Longforgan Birnam Angus Exh R S A R A McPherson W b Exh Mactaggart W b Aros Broomieknowe Lived in Edinburgh Exh R S A R S W Macwhirter J Slateford London Lived London Exh R A R S A Travelled widely on the Continent and America Malkin A C Martineau G J Lived London Exh R S A Mathieson J G Lived Stirling Exh R S A Meadows C Lived Glasgow Saltcoats Miller J Lived Glasgow Exh R S A R A Milne J M Edinburgh Arran Lived Dundee Arran Exh R S A Milne W Lived Edinburgh St Monance Exh R S A Morris C Morris J Morrow G Belfast Lived London Exh R A Morton R H Jl Lived Edinburgh Corstorphinc Exh R S A Morton T C Lived Kirkcaldy Edinburgh Glasgow Exh R S A Morton W G Lived Glasgow Munro H b Glasgow Lived Glasgow Exh R S A Murray Sir D Glasgow London Lived Glasgow London Exh R S A R A R S W R W S Murray E A Muschamp E Musgrave H Lived London Exh R A Nasmyth A Lived Edinburgh Exh R A Nasmyth P Lived London Exh R A Nesbitt J Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A R S W Nicol E Leith Feltham Lived Dublin Edinburgh Exh R S A R A Noble J C Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Guildford Coldingham Corstorphinc Exh R S A R A Noble R I Lived Edinburgh Prestonkirk Haddington Exh R S A R A Orrock J Edinburgh London Lived London Exh R A R S W Pasmore D Lived London Exh R A Paterson J Glasgow Edinburgh Lived Glasgow Einburgh Moniavie Dumfries Exh R S A R A R W S Paton W H Dunfermline Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Exh Patrick J Lived Kirkcaldy Edinburgh Exh R S A Pender W I Lived Glasgow Peploe D Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A Peploe S J Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Paris Exh R S A and in Paris Perigal A London Edinburgh Lived Eiinburgh Exh R S A R S W Pcrman L E Lived Glasgow Exh R A R S A Phillip I Aberdeen London Exh R S A R A Pirie Sir G Campbeltown Surrey Lived Glasgow Torrance Midhurst Exh R S A R A Knighted Rattray A W St Andrews Edinburgh Lived London Edinburgh Exh R S A Redpath A Galashiels Edinburgh Lived Calais Hawick Exh R S A R A President S W A Rcid A D Lived Aberdeen Edinburgh Exh R S A R A Reid G O Leith Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A R A Reid J R Einburgh I London Lived London Cornwall Exh R S A R A Studied under C P Chalmers and W McTaggart Rennie G M Ritchie J H Robertson T Glasgow Lived Uddington London Eastbourne Exh R S A Roe C Lived in London Rousse C Lived Birmingham Rowat J Lived Glasgow Exh Scott D Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A R A Scott T Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Earlston Selkirk Exh R S A Sherrin D Shields W Berwickshire Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A Simpson Smith G Mid Calder Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A R A Spicer P Lived Leamington Stanfield C Sunderland Lived London Edinburgh Exh R A Steell Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A R A Taylor E A Greenock Glasgow Manchester Paris Kirkcudbright Exh R S A Husband J M King Taylor J D Lived Glasgow Exh R S A R A Teller W W b Lived Corstorphinc Exh R S A Thomas G G Sydney Scotland Lived Glasgow London Exh Thompson J Penrith Lived Lake District Penrith Exh R A Thomson J M Ayr Lived Edinburgh Thomson T Duddingston Attrib Varley J Walker R J Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A Wallace R C Walls W Dunfermline Lived Edinburgh Dunfermline Midlothian Exh R S A R A R S W Walton E A Renfrew I Edinburgh Lived London Stow on the Wold Edinburgh Exh R S A R A Wane R Lived Conway Deganwy Dulwich Egremont Exh E S A Wardle A Lived London Exh R A Watson W Weir H W Lived Brenchley Kent Williams J F Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A Wills W Lived London Wilson E Glasgow Lived Glasgow Exh R S A R S W Wilson C Glasgow Exh R S A Wilson P M d I Lived Edinburgh Glasgow Kilcreggan Blairmore Crinan Exh R S A R S W Wingate Sir J L Lived Edinburgh Muthilll Colinton Slateford Exh R S A R A Wintour J C Lived Edinburgh Exh R S A Wright G Lived Annan Exh R S A R A Young A Lived Edinburgh London Pittenweem Croydon Exh R S A Young R C Glasgow Lived Clydebank Glasgow Exh R S A Aberfoyle Arbroath Harbour Ardgarton Argyll Arran Bamburgh Castle Barra Birse Bracmar Castle Brittany Caithness Cambusbarrow Carradale Cassilis Castle Castle Campbell Castle Eraser Chiswiek Clyde Coleshill Copenhagen Craigmillar Castle Crail Culross Dinan Dumbarton Dunbar Dunoon Dunure Castle Edinburgh Faukland Glen lilg Glen Lyon Glen Massan Hamilton Harris Helensburgh Holyrood Inverary Invergeldie Castle Iona Keswick Kilchurn Castle Killin Kintyre Kyle Loch Alsh Leicestershire Leuchars Linlithgow Lismore Lugwy Loch Achray Loch Eck Loch Eil Loch Fyne Loch Katrine Loch Lomond Loch Long Loch Tay Midlothian Mull Perth Perth Bridge Peterhead Pittenweem Polworth Prestonkirk River Conon River Dec River Nith River Tay River Tummel Robertson Rothiemurcus St Abbs St Andrews St Monans St Monance Skye Solway Stirling Castle Stow Strath Harradale Strathearn Tirce Tyndrum Tyne Venice West Loch Tarbet Ganty Bay Glasgow Nottinghamshire

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  • SKU: 16047
  • Shipping Weight: 352g
  • 3 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Sothebys
  • Condition: Good

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 17 November, 2011.

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