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Sothebys 1983 Scottish & Sporting Paintings


Sotheby's - Gleneagles Hotel
Sale title - Scottish & Sporting Paintings
Date - 30th August 1983
No. of lots - 522
No. of pages - 129
Illustrated in black and white & color


INDEX ADAM J D ADAM P W AIKMAN G W ALEXANDER E ALEXANDER R L ALISON H Y ALLAN R W ANDERSON J B ANSDELL R ARM FIELD E ARM FIELD G RMOUR M N N AUSTEN W M L Lived Edinburgh Craigmill Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh Rosslyn Ardilea Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Slateford near Edinburgh Musselburgh Inveresk Exhibited RSA RA RSW RWS Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Dusart Fife Glasgow Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow London Exhibited RSA RA RWS Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Liverpool London Exhibited RSA RA Related to George Armfield Exhibited RA Lived Milngavie Exhibited RSA Exhibiting Lived London Somerset Norfolk BAIN J D BARNARD M B BATEMAN J BIDDLE L BINKS R W BIRCH S J L BLACKADDER E V BLACKLOCK T B BLAIR J BOUGH S BRADLEY B BRADLEY C BREACH E R BRISTOW E BRITTAN C E BROWN J BROWN W B BROWN T A BROWNE V R BALFOUR BURNS R Lived Bathgate Edinburgh Exhibited RSA Exhibiting Lived London Glasgow Oban Exhibited RSA RA Lived London Exhibited RSA RA Lived Brighton London Exhibited RA Worked mainly in Yorkshire Lived Broughton Manchester Penzance Cornwall Exhibited RSA RA RSW RWS Living artist Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Glasgow Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Marlow London Blackpool Exhibited RA RWS Exhibiting Lived Folkingham Lines Lived London Exhibited RA Lived Devon Exhibited RA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh London Etaples I Tance Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA CADELL F C B CAMERON D CAMERON SIR D Y CAMERON K CAMM T W CAMPBELL T CAWSE J CASSIE J Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Kippen Sutherland Exhibited RSA RA RWS Lived Glasgow Stirling Edinburgh Exhibited RSA R A R S W Lived Smetlnvick Birmingham Exhibited RA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Exhibited RA Lived Aberdeen Edinburgh Exhibited RA CHALMERS H CHALMERS J CHRISTIE J E CLARK J CLARKE W H CLEMINSON R COOKE E W COVENTRY R M CRAWFORD E T CROSBIE W CROSBY W CUBLEY II H CUNNINGHAM J DE BREANSKI A DOCHARTY A B DOTT J M DOUGLAS W F DOWNIE J P DOWNIE P DUDGEON T DUNNINGTON A EARDLEY J K II FA ED JOHN FAED T FARQUHARSON D FARQUHARSON J FERCiUSSON J D FISH G D ERASER ALEC ERASER A FRASER M FRAZER W M FREDENSEN A A FULTON D FULTON S GAULD D GEDDES W GENTLEMAN D GIBB R GIBSON W A GILBERT A Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived London Glasgow Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Milngavie Kirkcudbright Exhibited RA Exhibited RA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Loanhead Fdinblirglj Exhibited RSA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Sunderland Exhibited RA Lived Newark Wolvcrhnmpii Exhibited RSA RA Living artist Lived Cookham Berkshire Greenwich Exhibited RA Lived Glasgow Rugdcnhy Maybole Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Glasgow Exhibited R SA RSW Lived Greenock Glasgow Skelmorlie Largs and Kilbride Lived Glasgow area Exhibiting c Lived Nottingham Born Sussex; Lived Gk and Catterline Lived London Edinburgh Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh Sennen Cove Penzance London Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh London Exhibited RA Lived Paris London Exhibiting Lived Aberdeen Exhibited RSA Lived Musselburgh Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Perth and Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Yorkshire Dorset Exhibited RA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Torrance Campsil Glen Kilmalcolm Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Blairgowrie Exhibited RSA Living artist Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA RA Lived Limpslield Surrey Exhibited RA Member of the Williams Family GILFILLAN T GILLIES W G GLASS J GLENDENING A A GRAEME C GRAHAM P GREENLEES G M GUDGEON R GUDMUNDSSON E GUTHRIE SIR J Exhibiting Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA Lived Pencaitland Musselburgh Exhibited RSA RIIA Lived London Exhibited RA Lived London St Andrews Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RA Lived Kilbarchan Milliken Park Renfrewshire Exhibited RSA RSW Exhibiting Lived Leith Exhibited RSA Lived Edinburgh Glasgow London Exhibited RSA RA RSW HAMILTON J HAMILTON J W HAMMOND W D HARDIE C M HARGITT E HARRIS A HARRISON J C HART E HARVEY SIR G HARVEY N Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Helensburgh Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived London Sussex Hampshire Exhibited RA Lived Tidworth HAY T M HAY W H HENDERSON J HENDERSON J M HENRY G IEPPLE W HERALD W HERDMAN R HILL R HOLD A HOLD T HOLLYER W P HOPE R HORLOR Ci W HORNEL E A HOUSTON C HOUSTON Ci HOUSTON J A P HOUSTON R HUNTER G L Exhibited RSA RA Eleeted PRSA in Exhibiting Lived Gowanbrae Stirling Rathmines Dublin Munich Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA RSW RIIA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Father of Joseph Morris Henderson Lived Glasgow Busby Lanarkshire Exhibited RSA RA Son of the above Lived Irvine Glasgow London Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Acklington Northumberland Lived Forfar Edinburgh London Arbroath Exhibited RSA Lived Rattray Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Living artist Lived Barnslcy Yorkshire Exhibited RA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Cheltenham Birmingham Brentford Exhibited RA Born Australia; Lived Edinburgh Kirkcudbright Glasgow Visited Japan Exhibited RSA RA RSW Exhibiting Lived Glasgow Dennistoun Cambuslang Rutherglen Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Glasgow Dairy Exhibited RSA Lived Glasgow London Exhibited RSA Lived Glasgow Kilbirnie Helensburgh Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Glasgow Worked in USA Paris Italy Exhibited RSA HUR T L B HUTCHESON W HUTCHISON R G JAMIFSON A JOHNSTONE G W JOHNSTONE W KAY A KAY J KENNEDY W KING J M KINNEAR J KNIGHT A R LAING J G LAING T LAMOND W B LANG J R LANGLEY W LAVERY SIR J LAWSON J LEGGATT A LEITCH W L LEYDE O T LLOYD T I LOCK HART W E LODGE G E McCULLOCH G McEWAN T McGEEHAN J M MACGEORGE W S McGHlEJ McGregor r MACGRECJOR W Y MACKAY T H MACKENZIE J MACLEAY M MACLEOD W D MACMASTER J MACNEE R R Lived Darley Dale Ashbourne Matlock Exhibited RSA Died Lived Crossbill Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Edinburgh Musselburgh Exhibited RSA RSW Lived London Aylesbury Bucks Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Exhibiting Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Callander Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Pollokshields Whistlefields Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Paris Stirling Tangier Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Glasgow Pendleton Paris Kirkcudbright Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Partick Exhibited RSA Lived Dundee Tayport Exhibited RSA RA Exhibiting Lived Glasgow Rutherglen Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Glasgow London Paris Exhibited RSA RA Lived Strathbungo Glasgow Shellield Girvan Exhibited RSA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RA Lived Glasgow London Exhibited RWS Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Edinburgh Kensington London Exhibited RSA RA RSW RWS RIIA Lived London Exhibited; RA Exhibited RA Lived Helensburgh Strathbungo Gourock Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Airdrie Glasgow Exhibited RSA RA Lived Castle Douglas Kirkcudbright Exhibited RSA RA Lived Hamilton Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Stirling Bridge of Allan Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Edinburgh Stockbridge Stirling Exhibited RSA Lived Glasgow Milngavic Exhibited RSA Lived Glasgow St Monance Ayr Exhibited* RSA RA RSW RWS Lived Glasgow Edinburgh Longforgan Birnam Angus Exhibited RSA RA MACNICOL B lived Glasgow Exhibited PATRICK J M RSA RA RSW McNICOL Exhibiting Lived PEDDER J Kilmarnock Exhibited RSA MACTAGGARI SIR W Lived Loanhead Edinburgh PEPLOE S Exhibited RSA McTAGGAR P W Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RSW PERIGAL A MACWHIRTER J Lived Slateford London PER MAN L E Exhibited RSA RA MA RUN D Lived Glasgow PI IIUPSON SIR R Exhibited RSA MARTIN J c POWELL W E MAXWELL J Lived Edinburgh PRATT W Exhibited RSA MEUCCI M Italian c Lived Florence MILLER R Exhibiting Lived Glasgow Exhibited Gl REDPATH A MILNE J Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA MILNE J M Lived Dundee Arran REID G O Exhibited RSA RENNIE G M MILNE W W Exhibiting Lived RICE A E Cambuskenneth Stirling Exhibited RSA RICHARDSON T MITCHELL J C Lived Edinburgh Corstophine Exhibited RSA RA RICKMAN P MOLE J H Lived Alnwick London RIGG A MONCRIEFF A SIR Exhibiting Lived Kensington London Exhibited RSA ROBERTSON J S MORLEY H Lived St Ninians Stirling ROBERTSON T MORRIS J c MORRIS W MOROCCO L MORTON T C MUIRHEAD D MUNRO II MURRAY SIR D MYLES W S MYLNE J M NASM YTl I A NASMYTH A G NASMYTII E NEWTON A P NIGHTINGALE R NISBET P S NISBET R B OR ROCK J PARK J C PARK J S PA PERSON J PA PERSON T PATON F PATON W II Lived London Living artist Lived Kirkcaldy Edinburgh Glasgow Exhibited RSA RSW Lived London Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA RSW RWS Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Glasgow London Exhibited RSA RA RSW RWS Lived Forfar Dundee Exhibited RSA Exhibiting Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RA Lived Edinburgh London daughter of Alexander Nasmyth Lived Edinburgh London daughter of Alexander Nasmyth Lived Essex London Exhibited RA RWS Lived Maiden Surrey Exhibited RA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited R S A R S W Lived Edinburgh Crieff Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived London Edinburgh Exhibited RA RSW Lived Li Exhibited Lived G RSA RA Lived Glasgow Edinburgh Dumfries Exhibited RSA RA RWS Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA Lived Kent Essex Exhibited RA Lived Dunfermline Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RSW ROCHE A I ROE R PL ROWBOTHAM C ROYLE II RUSSELL J RUSSELL J B SCOTT T SELBY P J SELLAR C A SHANKS W S SKENE J SLANEY M N SMART J SMELLIE J SMITH D M SMITH G SMITH J B STEELL D G STEELL G STEVENSON R T STEWART J STEWART i S S ITNTON J Lived Gli RSA RA Lived Liverpool Maidenhead Exhibited RA Lived Edinburgh Im Exhibited RSA Lived Edinburgh I on Exhibited RSA RSW died Lived Hu Exhibited RSA RA Staffordshire pottery painter II a Lived Kintilloch len/ir Exhibited RSA RA Lived Calais Hawick Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA RILA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Exhibiting Lived Paris Lived London Exhibited RSA RA Lived London Lived Bradford Yoikshlia Lived Edinburgh Lived Glasgow Paris London Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh Glasgow Exhibited RSA RA RSW Exhibited RA Lived Near llkley Yorkshire Exhibited RA Lived Glasgow Edinburgh Exhibited RSA Lived Edinburgh Earlsto Selkirk Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Northumberland Lived Dundee I Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Glasgow Stirling Exhibited RSA Lived London Gli Renfrewshire Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Exhibited R S A R S W Lived Edinburgh London Thame Oxon Exhibited RSA Lived Alnwick Northumberland Exhibited RSA RA Lived Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA Lived Glasgow Paris Fairlie Ayrshire Lived London Exhibited RSA RA Exhibiting Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA RSW Staffordshire pottery painter late th century PAYLER J F Exhibited RA TAYLOR E A Exhibiting Lived Glasgow Manchester Paris Exhibited RSA RSW HORBURN A Lived Kelso Tunbridge Wells London Exhibited RA OPHAM F W Lived Leeds London Exhibited RA RWS TURNER W L Lived Derbyshire Dorset Exhibited RA Son of George Turner WALLACE R CRAIG H Lived Glasgow WALTON E A Lived London Stowonthe Wold Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RA WATSON C E Lived Manchester WATSON J Exhibiting Lived Dundee Exhibited RSA RA Head of Art Department Morgan Academy Dundee WATSON R WEEKES W Lived London Primrose Hill Exhibited RA WELLS J S S WELLS W P A WEST D WILKINSON N WILKINSON R E WILSON W WINGATE H A WINGATE SIR J L WOODIIOUSE W WOOLNOTH C N WRIGHT G S WYLLIE W L Exhibited RA Lived Australia Glasgow Lancashire Isle of Man Lived Aberdeen Lossiemouth Exhibited RSA RA RSW Lived London Exhibited RA Lived St Ives Bath Exhibited RA Lived Edinburgh Kirkcaldy Blantyre Exhibited RSA Lived Slateford Edinburgh Exhibited RSA RSW Lived Edinburgh Muthill Colinton Slateford Exhibited RSA RA Lived Morecombe London Exhibited RSA RA Lived London Glasgow Exhibited RSA RWS Lived London Exhibited RA Lived Portsmouth London Rochester Exhibited RA RSW YOUNG W Lived Glasgow Exhibited RSA RA RSW ABBOTSFORD ABERDEEN ABERDOUR AILSA ANGERS ANGUS ANSTRUTHER ANTWERP ARDCHONNEL ARDTORNISH ARGYLLSHIRE ARGYLL ARRAN ASKIVAL AYR BARNHILL BASS ROCK BEAUMONT RIVER BEGBIE WOOD BENCLEVRG BEN FTEE BEN LED BEN LOMOND BEN LOYAL BE MORE BEN SPORAN BEN VORLCH BERWICKSHIRE BLACK FOREST BLACK MOUNT BRAID BURN BRANDBURN BRIDGE OF ALLAN BRIG OYAIR BUCKHAVEN CAMPSIE GLEN CAR DROSS CAR RADALE CAR RICK CASTLE CARSE OF GOWRIE CATHERLNE CESSFORD CHISWICK CLAR KINGTON CLYDE RIVER COCKENZIE COILAN TOIGLE CRAIG LEITH CRAIGMILLAR CASTLE CRAIL CRAMOND CRIEFF CUMBERLAND DIEPPE DOUNE DUMFRIESSHIRE DUNBAR DUNDONALD DUNURE DUNVEGAN DYSART EARN RIVER EAST LINTON EDINBURGH ElRENBREITSTEIN EILDON HILLS ETAPLES EVELICH FAIRLIE FIFE NEUK FIRTH OF CLYDE FIRTH OF FORTH GLASGOW GLENCOE GLENEAGLES GLEN CAIRN GLEN ETIVE GLEN FINLAS GLENLYON GLEN TURRET GOATFELL GUERNSEY HADDINGTON HARTING HOLLAND HOLY ISLAND HOLY LOCH INCHTURE INVERNAIRD FALLS INVERGOWRIE IONA ISLES OF ROSS JEDBURGH KILCHURN CASTLE KILLIN KINGS CROSS POINT KINLOCHEWE KINNAIRD CASTLE KINNOUL CRAGS KIPPEN KIPPEN MOSS KIRKCUDBRIGHT KIRKMICHAEL KOBLENTZ LAI RIG GLEN LARGS LEITH LINLITHGOW LOCHAN LOCHA R MOSS LOCHS LOCH AFFARIC LOCH AWE LOCH BENEVEAN LOCH CRINAN LOCH ETIVE LOCH FOIL LOCH KATRINE LOCH KETERIN LOCH LOMOND LOCH LONG LOCH STRIVEN LOCH TAY LOCHEARNHEAD LOCHEPORT LOCHFOOT LUDGATE CIRCUS LYN MACH RIEWATER MAJORCA MEALL ABHUIRDH MIGDALE MILL MHOR MILNGAVIE MONIAIVE MORAY FIRTH MULL MURIE NORFOLK NORTH CONNAL NORTHUMBERLAND NORTHUST NORTH SANNOX OBAN PARIS PERTH PERTHSHIRE PITTENWEEM PORT ASKAIG PROVENCE RANNOCH MOOR RHUM ISLE OF ROSSSHIRE ROTHENBURG ROUEN ST MONANS ST PETERS SHIN RIVER SKYE S LIGACHAN SNOWDON SOLWAY SONNING WEIR STIRLING STRATHALLAN STRATHMORE SUSSEX SUTHERLAND TANGERS TEITH RIVER TENERIFE TEVIOT RIVER TOLEDO TROON HARBOUR TUMMEL RIVER TUSCANY TWEED RIVER VENICE WESTMORLAND WESTWARD HO WOMACK BROAD

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  • SKU: 10946
  • Shipping Weight: 382g
  • 3 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Sothebys
  • Condition: Good

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