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Christies December 1997 Impressionist & Modern Paintings, Drawings etc


Christie's - South Kensington
Sale title - Impressionist and Modern Paintings, Drawings, Sculpture and Picasso Ceramics
Date - 8th December 1997
No. of lots - 310
No. of pages - 104
Illustrated in colour

INDEX Adrion L Aizpiri P Altmann A Andreu M Arp J Auge P Baboulene E Bargheer E Bauchant A Baumoistcr W Benois N Boch A Bonnard P Bouyssou J de Buzon F M Camus B Canu Y Chagall M Chirico G de Commere J Y Cosson M Dali S Senlis L S Degas E I Delvaux P Denis M Derain A Dignimont A Domergue J G Dufy J Dufy R Dunoyer do Segonzac A Dyf M Edzard J Empi M Ernst M Fantin Latour H Felixmuller C Fini I Forain J L Gall F Ganne Y Gauguin P Gorbatov K Grosz G Cruber F Guillauinin A Gurschner I I Guttuso R Hanson J M Hayden H Heckroth H Helion J Herve J R Hongoh S Hugo J Humblot R Jaenisch H janco M Kadar B Kaufmann P Kristo B de Kupka F Kvapil C La Villeon E de Laurencin M Lebasque H Leger F Lhote A Liebermann M Limouse R M Luce M Luce M Lur Lydis M Maclet E Madelain G Man Ray Mane Katz I Marchand J Marquet A Masson A Matisse H Maufra M Metzinger J Minaux A MiroJ Mokady M Montezin P E Morren G Nadal C Neuquelman L Ottmann H Oudot R Ozenfant A Pascin J Pechstein M Petitjean H Picabia F Picasso P Pignon E Pissarro C Pissarro H C Roger S Rohlfs C Roux G L Seurat G Shiniizu T Signac P Sinicki G Sintenis R Smet de Sorkine R Souverbie J Steinlen T A TarkhotT N Tcherniawsky C Tobiasse T Tonny K Utrillo M Valensi H Valtat L Venard CI Vivancos M G Vlaminck M de Vuillard E Wleriek R Zadkine O Zaritsky Y

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  • SKU: 27568
  • Shipping Weight: 418g
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Christie's
  • Condition: Good

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