Sotheby's - New York
Sale title - Impressionist and Modern Art, Part II
Date - 1st May 1996
No. of lots - 67
No. of pages - unpaginated, 3 fold outs
Illustrated in colour
INDEX Balthus Bonnard, Pier re Braque, Georges Caillebotte, Gustave Cassatt, Mary Chagall, Marc Degas, Edgar Delvaux, Paul Dongen, Kees van Dubuffet, Jean Giacometti, Alberto Gogh,Vincent van Kandinsky, Wassily Klee, Paul Kokoschka, Oskar Leger, Fernand Magritte, Rene Maillol, Aristide Matisse, Henri Miro,Joan Modigliani, Arnedeo Monet, Claude Moore, Henry Morisot, Berthe Picasso, Pablo Renoir, Pierre-Auguste r Rodin, Auguste Schiele, Egon Seurat, Georges Sisley, Alfred Tanguy, Yves Vuillard, Edouard
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