Sotheby''s - New York
Sale title - Impressionist and Modern Paintings and Sculpture, Part II
Date - 14th May 1986
No. of lots - 95
No. of pages - unpaginated
Illustrated in colour
INDEX Alexander A Arpijcan Bombois Camille Bonnard Pierre Barque Georges Brauner Victor Caillebotte Gustave Calder Alexander de Chirico Giorgio Le Corbusier A Dali Salvador Daumier Honore Degas Edgar Derain Andre Duchamp Villon Raymond Dufy Raoul Epstein Jacob Ernst Max Fantin Latour Henri Gabo Naum Giacometti Alberto Guillaumin Armand Hepworth Barbara Kupka Franz Jawlensky Alexej Lebasque Henri Eipchitz Jacques Eoiseau Gustave Maholy Nagy Laszlo Manzu Giacomo Marquet Albert Masson Andre Miro Joan Moore Henry Morandi Giorgio Moret Henry Nicholson Ben Pascin Jules Pevsner Antoine Picabia Francis Picasso Pablo Renoir Picrrc Augustc Richier Germaine Rodin Auguste Rouault Georges Rubin Reuven van Rysselberghe Theo Sisley Alfred Soutine Chaim A Utrillo Maurice Valadon Suzanne Villon Jacques Vlaminck Maurice de
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