Sotheby's - London
Sale title - Fine Victorian Paintings, Drawings and Watercolours
Sale date - 12th December 1978
No. of lots - 262
No. of pages - 199
Illustrated in colour and black & white
INDEX Absolon, J Adams, J C Allingham, H Alma-Tadema, Lady L Andrews, H Ansdell, R Armfield, G Baker, T Batt, A Beavis, R Bell, R A Blinks, T Boddington, E H Boddington, H J Bond, W J J C Bouvier, A J Bramley, F Brett, J Bryant, FI C Bundy, E Burne-Jones, Sir E C Burt, C T Campotosto, H Clare, O Clint, A Cobbett, E J Collier, J Collins, W Cooke, E W Cooke, I Cooper, T S Couldery, FI H Cothied, R Crofts, E Dalziel, T B G S Dawson, H Dc Breanski, A De Breanski, A, Snr Dell, J H Dixon, C Dobson, W C T De Vine Aylward, J Earl, M Elliott, R Foster, M B Frampton, E R Fripp, A D Frith, W P Gale, W Gallon, R Godward, J W Goodman, M Grimshaw, E Grimshaw, J A Grimshaw, L Hankey, W L Hardy, FI Harper, H A Flarris, E Havell, E Hayllar, E Flerberte, E B Flerkomer, Sir FI Von Flerring, J F, Jnr Hicks, G E Hilder, R Hill,JJ Hillingford, R A Hobley, E G Holder, E H Holiday, H G Holiday, H J Holland, J, Snr Holmes, G A Hopkins, W A Howard, G 72, Hughes, A Flughes, W I lulme, F W Hunt, A W Flunt, E Hunt, W Jackson, S P James, D Palmer, H S Parker, FI H Partridge, B Passey, C H Paton, F Percy, S R Pether, FI Pickersgill, F R Pitt, W Pollentine, A Poynter, Sir E J Pritchett, E Provis, A Pyne, J B Redmore, FI Revillc, W II Roe, F Roger, P FI Rogers, W P Ryland, FI S, M I Sadler, W D Scott, J Shaw, J B I Shayer, W, Snr Sherrin, D Smith, G Smythe, E R Smythe, T Solomon, A Southall, J F Spencelayh, C Stanfield, C Stone, R Stone, W, Jnr Syer, J, Jnr Taylor, M W Thornhill, P J Tonge, R Turner, G Turner, J Turner, W FI M Vickers, A, Snr Waite, J C Walbourn, E Wardle, A Watts, F W Watts, G F Webb, J Webb, W E Webster, T Weekes, W Wells, J S S Williams, E C Williams, G A Williams, J H Williams, W H Wilmer, J R Wimperis, E M Wontner, W C Wortley, A J S Wright, G Wright, R W Wyllie, W L Johnson, E K Jutsum, FI King, FI Y Knell, W A Knowles, G S Ladell, E Leighton, E B Leighton, F Lord Leslie, C R Linnell, J no Linnell, W Logsdail, W Lucas, A D Lucas, E G H Luscombe, FI A Lutyens, V Maggs, J C Maidmen, H Mann, J H S Mart, F G May, W W Meadows, A J Mellor, W Miles, T R Mogford, J Moore, FI Mulready, A E Mclnnes, R Nicol, J W Niemann, E J, Snr Nightingale, R Norie, I
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