Sotheby's - London
Sale title - Old Master Drawings
Date - 7th July 1999
No. of lots - 238
No. of pages - 147
Illustrated in colour and black & white
INDEX Balen, Attributed to Hendrik van Bella, Stefano della Bellotto, Bernardo Benso, Giulio Bertin, Attributed to Nicolas Bibiena, Attributed to Giuseppe Galli Bloemaert, Abraham Boeckhorst, Jan Boilly, Louis Leopold Bolognese School, th Century Bononi, Carlo Boscoli, Andrea Bosio, Jean Francois Bosio, Attributed to Jean Francois Bouchardon, Edme Boucher, Francois Boucher, Circle of Francois Brentel, Frederich Burrini,Giovanni Antonio Busiri, Giovanni Battista Belanger, Louis Belanger, Attributed to Louis Biirgi,Jacob Cambiaso, Luca Cambiaso, Circle of Luca Campi, Attributed to Giulio Carpi, Girolamo da Casanova, Francesco Castello, Bernardo Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto Cattapane, Luca Cavedone, Giacomo Cibo, Gherardo Cignaroli, Vittorio Amedeo Gaetano Clerck, Attributed to Hendrick de Clerisseau, Circle of Charles I ,ouis Cochin the Younger, CharlesNicolas Conca, Sebastiano Corneille, Michel Coypel, Attributed to CharlesAntoine Creti, Donato d'Aligny, Theodore Caruelle Dehodencq, Edme Alexis Alfred Delaune, Etienne Delerive, Albert Doumet, Zacharie Felix Ducreux, Attributed to Joseph Ducros, Abraham Louis Rodolphe Dutch School, th Century Dutch School, th Century Ehret, Georg Dionysius Emilian School, th Century Empoli,Jacopo Chimenti, called Jacopo da Fancelli, Attributed to Pietro Favray, Attributed to Antoine de Ferrari, Gregorio de' Fischetti, Fedele Florentine School, th Century Florentine School, th Century Floris, Frans Fragonard,Jean Honore French School, th Century French School, th Century French School, circa Gandolfi, Gaetano Gandolfi, Attributed to Mauro Garand, Jean Baptiste Gatta, Attributed to Xavier della Gaulli, Giovanni Battista German School, th Century German School, th Century Giolfino, Niccolo Giuntotardi, Attributed to Filippo Goltzius, Hendrik Greuze, Jean Baptiste Guardi, Giacomo Guercino, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called Guercino, Circle of Guidobono, Bartolomeo Gerard, Frangois Pascal Simon, Baron Hackert, Jacob Philipp Halle, Noel Heemskerck, Maarten van Hilaire,Jean Baptiste Holbein, Circle of Hans Imperiali, Attributed to Francesco Ingres, Circle of Jean AugusteDominique Italian School, th Century Italian School, circa Italian School, th Century Italian School, th Century Keisermann, Franz Procaccini, Giulio Cesare Prud'hon, Circle of Pierre Paul Prevost, Jean-Louis Quellinus, Attributed to Erasmus Lagneau, Nicolas Lanfranco, Attributed to Giovanni Lanfranco, Circle of Giovanni Latour, Rene Lavreince, Nicolas Ligorio, Pirro Lilio,Andrea Loder, Matthaus Lombard School, circa Lyvee, Charles de Marches, School of the, th Century Marches, School of the, circa Marillier,Clement-Pierre Masucci,Agostino Mehus, Livio Merian, Maria Sibylla Metz, Conrad Martin Milani,Aureliano Morazzone, Pier Francesco Mazzuchelli, called Moreau le Jeune, Jean-Michel Natoire, Charles-Joseph Neroni, Bartolomeo Novclli, Pietro Antonio Nuvolone,Attributed to Carlo Francesco Oudry,Jean-Baptiste Palma II Giovane,Jacopo Negretti, called Panini, Giovanni Paolo Paolino, Paolinodel Signoraccio, called Fra Parmigianino, Francesco Maria Mazzola, called Percier, Charles Perelle, Adam Pernet,Jean-Henry-Alexandre Peruzzi, Attributed to Baldassare Pinelli, Bartolomeo Piola, Domenico Procaccini, Camillo Rademaker, Abraham Redouts, Pierre-Joseph Redoute, Circle of Pierre-Joseph Ricci, Sebastiano Robert, Hubert Robert, Nicolas Roman School, th Century Roncalli, Cristofano, called II Pomarancio Rottmayr, Johann Michael Sabatelli, Luigi Saint-Aubin, Attributed to Gabriel de Schonfeld, Johann Heinrich Spada, Attributed to Leonello Spaendonck, Gerard van Straaten, Hendrik van der Tamietti, Carlo Camillo Tassi, Attributed to Agostino Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista Tito, Santidi Torre, Flaminio Trevisani, Francesco Vanvitelli, Attributed to Luigi Velde, Adriaen van de Venetian School, circa Vernet, Claude-Joseph Veronese School, circa Vigee Le Brun, Attributed to Elizabeth Volterrano, Baldassare Franceschini, called Watteau, Jean-Antoine Wille, Johan Georg Wille, Pierre-Alexandre Zelotti, Giambattista Zingg, Adrian Zuccaro, Circle of Federico
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