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Sothebys October 1992 Old Master Paintings


Sotheby's - New York
Sale title - Old Master Paintings
Sale date - 14th October 1992
No. of lots - 239
No. of pages - unpaginated
Illustrated in colour and black & white
Crease on back cover
INDEX Amigoni,Jacopi, Attributed to Amorosi, Antonio, Circle of Angeli, Guiseppe Anguisciola, Sofonisba, Circle of Antonio, Francisco Antwerp School, 16th Century Barocci, Federico, Follower of Bayeu y Subias, Ramon, Attributed to Beare, George Becchcy, R.A., Sir William, Follower of Becchcy, R.A., Sir William, Studio of Bega, Cornclis Pietersz Bellini, Giovanni, Circle of Beyeren, Abraham van, Attributed to Bigordi, Domenico, called Domenico Ghirlandaio, Manner of Bilcoq, Marie-Marc-Antoine Bloemaert, Hendrick Bloemen,Jan Frans van, called Orizzonte Bolognese School, 18th Century Bolognese School, circa 1600 Bout, Pieter and Adriaen Frans Boudewijns Brakenburg, Richard,Attributed to British School, late 18th Century Browne,Joseph Brueghel II, Jan, Circle of Calraet, Abraham van Calvaert, Dionisio, Circle of Cambiaso, Luca Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canale, Follower of, called Cavaliere d'Arpino, Guiseppe Cesari, Follower of, called Champaigne, Philippe de, Circle Cipper, Giacomo Francesco, called Todcschini, French Follower of Cittadini, Pier Francesco, Circle of Cleve,Joos van, Follower of Coccorante, Leonardo, Attributed to Codazzi, Niccolo, Attributed to Coddazi, Viviano, Circle of Courtois,Jacques, called Borgognone Crivelli, Carlo, Manner of Crowley, Rd I. A., NicolasJoseph Cruz,Juan Pantojade la, Follower of Dandini, Cesare Donducci, Giovanni Andrea, called H Mastellctta Douw, Jansz. van Duplessis, C. Michel H. Dutch Artist Active in Rome, 17th Century Dutch School, 17th Century Dutch School, 18th Century Dutch School, circa 1700 Dyck, Sit Anthony van, Circle of Dyck, Sir Anthony van, Follower of Fisen, Francois, Follower of Fnglish School, 19th Century Fabris, Pietro, Manner of Flemish School, 17th Century Flemish School, 18th Century Flemish School, circa 1800 Florentine School, 17th Century Foutaiueblcau, School of, 16th Century Fontainebleau, Second School of, Marly 17th Century Franchoys II, Lucas, Attributed to Frankcnthal School, circa 1600 French School, 18lh Century French School, circa 1800 French School, first half Century Furini, Francesco, Circle of GnHi, Giacomo, called Lo Spadarino Genoese School, 17th Century German School, 15th Century German School, 18th Century Ghceraerts, the Younger, Marcus, Studio of Giampetrino, Gian Pietro Rizzi Pedrini, called Giani, Felice Giaquinto, Gorrado, Manner of Gillemans, the Younger, Jan Pauwcl Giovanni di Pietro, called Lo Spagna, Circle of Grassi, Nicola Greuze,Jean-Baptiste, Circle of Grifficr, the Elder Jan Chillier, the Younger, Jan Grooth, Georg Christoph Gryeff, Adriaen de Guardi, Francesco, Follower of Guardi, Francesco, Manner of Gundelach, Matthaus Harlow, George Henry Helmont, Mattheus van, Attributed Flees, Gerrit van, Attributed lo Hispano-Flemish School, 16th Century Hogarth, William, Circle of Hondercoeter, Melehior de, Manner of Huel, Jcan-Bapl iste, Attributed to Honi, Filio Federico, Attributed to Italian School Italian School Italian School Italian School, circa 1800 Italian School, late 17th Jackson, John James, William Jansse iis, Abraham, Attributed to Jervas, Charles, Attributed to Kaulfniann, R.A., Angelica Attributed to Keil, Bernard, Called Monsu Bernardo Keil, Bernard, called Monsu Bernardo, Follower of Keil, Bernard, called Monsu Bernardo, Circle of Kcssel, the Elder Jan van, Circle of Keysc, R.A., S.A., Thomas Kncller, Sir Jodlrcy, Studio ol Knip, Nicolaas Hcdcrik Laer, Pieter van, called Bamboccio, Circle of Lagrcnec, Louis-Jean-Francois Follower of hancrct, Nicolas Lavagna, Francesco Lazzarini, Gregorio, Attributed to Fepicie, Nicolas-Bernard, Circle of Levieux, Keynaud, Circle of Locatelli, Andrea, Circle of Maes, Nicolacs, Stucio of Magnasco, Stelano, Attributed to Master of the Ilartford Still Life, Attributed to Master of the Khanenko Adoration Master of the Lathrop Tondo Master ol the Legend of St. Ursula Master of Santa Maria a Marciola Mauhcrt, James, Attributed to Mcnassier, A*** Mierveldl, Michael van Millet, Francisque, Attributed to Mola, Fier Francesco, Circle of Monamy, Peter, Attributed to Monnoyer,Antoine Montelatici, Francesco, called II Cecco Bravo, Attributed to Moiland, George Mytens, the Fldcr, Daniel, Circle of Nason, Pieter Neapolitan School, 18th Century Neapolitan School, circa 1700 Neapolitan School, late 18th Century Negrclti, Jacopo, called Palma Giovane, Manner of Negrclti,Jacopo, called Palma Giovane Netherlandish School, 1575 and 1582 Netherlandish School, 16th Century Netherlandish School, 16th Century Nclscher, Constantino, Attributed to Nome, Francois de, called Monsu Dcsiderio North Italian School, 17th Century North Italian School, 18th Century Oiley, Bernart van, Attributed to Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Patenier,Joachim, Circle of Pesne, Antoine, Attributed to Peters, Rev. MatIhew William Pino, Marco, called Marco da Siena, Follower of Ponte, Jacopo da, calledJacopo Bassano, Follower of Porcellis,Jan, Attributed to Poussin, Nicolas, Circle of Premier, Gcorg Caspar von Preti, Maltia,called il Cavalierc Calabrese Proccaccini, Giulio C lesare, Circle of Raeburn, R.A., F.R.S.A., Sir Henry Raphael, Raflaello Sanzio, After Raphael, Raflaello Sanzio, Circle of Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn, Circle of Reni, Guido, 18th Century Follower of Reynolds, P.R.A., Sir Joshua, Follower of Ribcra,Jusepe, called Lo Spagnolclto, Attributed to Roman School, 17th Century Roman School, 18th Century Roman School, early 19th Century Romanclli, Giovanni Francesco, called il Viterbese, Circle of Rombouts, Gillis Romnay, George Rous, Philip Peter, called Rosa da Tivoli, Attributed to Rosa, Salvalor, Circle of Rosa, Salvator, Follower ol 64-Roselli, Bernardo Rot tenhammcr, Hans, Circle of Rovcre, Giovanni Battisla dellc called II Fiammcnghino Schalcken, Godlricd Schenau,Johann Lleazar School of Provence, 15th Century Slice, P.R.A., Sir Martin Archer Sienese School, circa 1621 Slingelandt, Pieter van Snaycrs, Pieter Snijers, Peeler, Follower of Son,Joris van Sorgh, llendrick Maertensz. Spanish School, 16th Century Spanish School, 17th Century Steenwyck, the Younger, Hendrick van Suslermans, Justus, Manner of Suslis, Lambert, Attributed to Swancnburg, Isaac Claesz. van Swiss School, 18th Century Tauuay, Nicolas Antoine, Attributed to Tcnicrs, the Younger, David, Follower of Teniers, Ihe Younger, David, Circle of Tintore. Simone del, Attributed to Tischbein, the Flder, Johann Heinrich, Circle of Titian, Tiziano Vecellio, Follower of Tocput, Lodowijk, called Pozzoserralo, Attributed to Torelli, Stcfano Tosini, Michele, called Miehele di Ridollo, Follower of Utrecht,Adriacn van, Circle of Valckcnborch, Lucas van, Circle of Venetian School, 17th Century Venetian School, late 17th Century Veronese, Bonilazio, Bonilazio de Pitati, called, Studio of Vidal, Louis Vois, Aric de Vrancx, Sebastian Vries, Roelef van Willaerts, Adam Wilson, Richard, Manner of Winghe, Jcrcmias van, Attributed to Wit,Jacob de, Circle of Wouwcrmans, Pieter Wtewael,Joachim, Circle of Ziensenis, Johann Georg

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  • Model: r_rxp.505
  • SKU: 36362
  • Shipping Weight: 503g
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Sothebys
  • Condition: Good

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