Sotheby's – New York
Sale title – Old Master Drawings including six gouaches by Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues
Date – 29th January 1997
No. of lots – 276
No. of pages – unpaginated
Illustrated in colour and black & white
INDEX Alberti, Cherubino Angolo del Moro, Attributed to Battista Arpino, Giuseppe Cesari, called Cavaliere d' Aubry, Etienne Augustin, Jean-Baptiste-Jacc]ues Backer, Jacob Adriaensz Balducci, Giovanni Balen, Hendrik van Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang Beauvarlet, Attributed to Jacques-Firmin Bega, Cornelis Benefial, Marco Berrettoni, Niccolo Bertin, Jean-Victor Bisschop, Jan de Blarenberghe, Circle of Henri Desire van Bloemaert, Abraham Boilly, Louis-Leopold Bol, Hans Bolognese School, circa Bolognese School, 17th Century Bolognese School, 17th/ 18th Century Bolognese School, 18th Century Bouchardon, Edme Boucher, Francois Bouckhorst, Jan Philipsz. van Brandi, Giacinto Braun, Augustin Brenet, Nicolas Guy Brizio, Francesco Belanger, Louis Cagnacci, Attributed to Guido Callet, Antoine-Franÿois Camassei, Andrea Cambiaso, Luca Campi, Bernardino Campi, Giulio Canova, Antonio Carriera, Rosalba Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto Cavedone, Giacomo Cazes, Pierre-Jacques Celesti, Attributed to Andrea Challe, Charles-Michelange Charlier, Attributed to Jacques Chaudet, Antoine Denis Chiari, Fabrizio Conca, Attributed to Sebastiano Cortona, Pietro da Dandini, Pietro David, Attributed to Giovanni David, Jacques-Louis Desprez, Louis-Jean Diepenbeck, Abraham Jansz. van Dietzsch, Johann Christoph Diziani, Attributed to Gaspare Dugourc, Jean-Demosthene Duquesnoy, Francois Dutch School, 17th Century Dutch School, circa Elsasser, Johann David English School, 18th/ 19th Century Falcone, Follower of Aniello Favray, Antoine De Fiammingo, Pauwels Franck, called Paolo Flemish School, circa Flemish School, 17th Century Florentine School, 16th Century Florentine School, circa Florentine School, 17th Century Foggini, Vincenzo Fontana, Prospero Franco-Flemish School, 18th Century French or German School, 18th Century French School, circa French School, 18th Century French School, circa Furini, Francesco Fiiger, Friedrich-Heinrich Gandolfi, Gaetano Gandolfi, Ubaldo Gamier, Michel Genga, Attributed to Girolamo Genoese School, 17th Century Genoese School, circa 1600 German School, 16th Century German School, circa 1600 German School, 17th Century Giani, Attributed to Felice Greuze, Jean-Baptiste Croon, T**F** Guardi, Francesco Guardi, Giacomo Guercino, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called Guercino, Attributed to Hackert, Jakob Philipp Huet, Jean-Baptiste Italian School, 17th Century Italian School, 18lh Century Lacroix de Marseille, Charles Lallemand, Attributed to Georges Lancret, Nicolas Lanfranco, Giovanni Lavadalle, J"C** Lavrience, Circle of Nicolas Le Brun, Attributed to Charles Le Loup, Antoine Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques Legeay, Jean-Laurent Leguay, Charles-Etienne Lelong, *** Lemoine, Jacques-Antoine-Marie Lepicie, Circle of Nicolas-Bernard Leriche, *** Liotard, Jean-Etienne Lombard School, 17th Century Longhi, Attributed to Pietro Loth, Johann Carl Magnasco, Circle of Alessandro Mallet, Jean-Baptiste Maratti, Carlo Maratti, Circle of Carlo Mariotti, Carlo Speridione Mazzoni, Giulio Meulen,Attributed to Adam Frans van der Mieris the Elder, Frans van Mondo,Attributed to Domenico Morazzone, Attributed to Pier Francesco Moreau, Follower of Louis Gabriel Mores, Circle of Jakob Nanteuil, Robert North Italian School, 16th Century North Italian School, 18th Century Novclli, Pietro Antonio Pajou, Augustin Palma II Giovane Panini, Giovanni Paolo Parigi, Attributed to Giulio Parmigianino, II Parrocel, Charles Parrocel, Joseph-Francois Pasinelli, Attributed to Lorenzo Passeri, Giuseppe Passerotti, Bartolommeo Perrier, Francois Peruzzini, Domenico Peyron, Attributed to Pierre Picart, Bernard Pillement, Jean-Baptiste Pollini, Cesare Pomarancio, Attributed to Cristofano Roncalli Pozzi, Attributed to Stefano Procaccini, Camillo Quast, Pieter Quellinus, Attributed to Artus Quesnel, Francois Raphael, Raffacllo Santi, called Redi, Tommaso Redoute, Pierre-Joseph Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn, Attributed to Rembrandt Flarmensz. van Rijn, Circle of Reni, Guido Ricci, Attributed to Giovanni Battista Ricci, Marco Robert, Hubert Roman School, circa Roman School, 16th Century Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco Romano, Attributed to Giulio Rovere, Giovanni Mauro dclla Rubens, Circle of Sir Peter Paul Salviati, After Francesco School of Parma, 16th Century Schor, Johann Paul Schwarz, Carl Benjamin Schuyz, Sebastian Sienese School, 16th Century Solimena, Francesco Spanish School, 17th Century Stradanus, Jan van der Straet Tassi, Agostino Ter Borch, Moses Tesi, Mauro Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Follower of Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Lorenzo Tito, Santi di Toeput, called Pozzoserrato, Loedwyk Torre, Flaminio Troost, Circle of Cornelis Vanni, Francesco Vanvitelli, Gaspar Vanvitelli, Luigi Velde the Younger, Willem vande Venetian School, 16th Century Venetian School, 17th Century Veronese School, 16th Century Watteau, Jean-Antoine Wit, Jacob de Wit, Attributed to Jacob de Wyck, Thomas Zuccaro, Federico Saint-Aubin, Charles-Germain del Salimbeni, Attributed to Ventura
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