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Sothebys 2001 The Garden & other selected Paintings


Sotheby's - Sussex
Sale title - The Garden & other Selected Paintings
Date - 23rd May 2001
No. of lots - 479
No. of pages - 132
Illustrated in colour

Adams,] C 1118 Cooper,AE 1465 Garstin, N 1201, 1202, 1203, 1:!
Adler, E 1433 Cooper,AH 1151 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1, ..-
Alberti, G V 1198 Cooper, G 1035 Garstin, N & A 12:
Aldridge, F ] 1188 Copnall, TN 1032 Gianni, G 1-12.
Allinson, A 1044 Corbould, E H 1156 Giardiello, G 1-l3-=
Andrews, E 1074 Costantini, G 1411 Glendenning, A A 1:!9-;
Aresi, Cirele ofP 1268 Creswick, T 1279 Gobie, Cirele ofW 1~
Armfield, Attributed ro G 1366 Crosby, F G 1466, 1467, 1468, 1469, Goff, RC 1137
Artz, C 1418 1470, 1471 Goodall, EA 1099
Atkinson, A B 1325 Croxford, W E 1359 Goodall, F 1302, lrl
Atkinson, Attributed ro R 1068 Cruickshank, W 1160 Goodwin,A 1135, 1136
Austin, R 1057 Cruickshank, Follower of W 1021 Gore, WH lYill
B... , B... L... S... 1022 Cundall, C 1460 Gray,] 102<)
Baird, N H] 1179 Dakin,] 1109 Green, C 11-
Bale, CT 1008 Dali, S 1250 Gregory, C 106-
Bamber, B 1370 de Glehn, WG 1451 Gregory, G 1385
Banner, A 1316 de Ville,] V 1384 Gresley, F 1103
Barnes, A 1446 Detmold, CM 1175, 1176 Guily, G 1101
Barnes, G 1058 Dillon,F 1306 Haité, G 1149,1150,1386,1452..
Barraud, F P 1112 Dixon, C 1189 1453
Bartholemew, V 1016 Dollman,] C 1178 Hall, Attributed ro T P 13:H
Bayes, A W 1350 Dollman, R 1059 Hamme, A van 1409
Benger, B 1083 Dommersen, P C 1392 Hardwick, ] ] 1015
Bennett, F M 1326, 1351 Dommersen, W 1389, 1390, 1391 Hardy, F D 1330
Berkley, S 1155 Dommersen, W R 1393, 1394 Hardy,] 1152, 11-3
Bernard, ] 1412 Douglas, E 1367, 1368 Hardy, TB 1186
Biddle, L 1031 Duffield, M E 1018, 1019 Harrison, C] 1478, 14-9
Birch, S] L 1225 Eadie, W 1331 Harmell, N 1341
Blanchard, A 1438 East, Sir A 1192 Hayes, C 1143,1144,1145
Bligh,] 1171, 1172 Easterbrook, ] A 1236, 1237 Haywood, H 1254
Bough, S 1284 Egginton, W 1231 Heaphy, T 1092
Boume, S 1095 Egley, Cirele ofW M 1353 Hearne, T 1088, 1089
Bowen,O 1454 Eichinger, 0 1435 Herny, CN 1190
Boyce, G P 1104 Elgood, G S 1064 Henderson, C C 1362
Brangwyn, Sir F 1258, 1260 Ellis, A 1080 Hepple, N 1445
Brett, ] 1379 Ellis, L 1039 Hermanjat, A 1403
Brill, R 1259, 1261 Emms,] 1371 Herring, jnr, ] F 1174
Broom,M 1041 Englelbach, F 1034 Herring, Follower of] F 1364
Brown,] L 1363 English School, circa 1810 1274 Hilder, R 1264, 1265
Buchieri,A 1399 Epstein, Sir] 1043 Hilder, Attributed to R 1280
Burmeister, P 1416 Ernst, R 1407 Hill,D 1462
Buron, H 1427, 1428, 1429 Fedden, M 1476 Hillingford, R A 1335
Burr, ] 1332 Ferrer, ] 1441 His, RCE 1036
Caffyn, WW 1310 Fielding, A V C 1091 Hobdell, R 1255
Carabain, ] 1419 Finch, WH 1082 Holland,] 1020, 1381
Cardon, C 1111 Fisher, H 1355 Horsley, H H H 1380
Carelli, G 1426 Fisher, WM 1449 Hoyer, P] 1383
Chalon,] ] 1272 Fitzgerald, F 1317 Hubert-Robert, M 1196
Chambers, T 1328 Foster, M B 1098,1105 Huggins, W 1182
Chevalier, N 1295 Foweraker, A M 1147,1148 Hughes, W 1007
Cheviot, L 1374 Fowkes,AR 1033 Hughes-Stanron, Sir H 1318
Chinese School, mid 19th century 1002 Fox, HC 1132, 1133, 1134 Huguet, VP 1402
Chinnery, G 1273 Fraser, R W 1110 Hume, E 1161
Clapham,]T 1012 Frith, WP 1341, 1343 Huon, T 1115,1116
Clare, 0 1010,1011 Fry, R 1463 Hunt,C 1329
Clare, V 1009, 1013 Fullwood,] 1320 Hunt, CA 1228
Clare, Follower of V i014 Fulvis, de 1422 Hunt:W 1153
Clark,] 1336,1337,1345 Gallon, R 1289 Hutton, T S 1131
Cole, G V 1286 Garstin, A 1211,1213, 1214, 1215, Illingworth, L 1249
Coleman, WS 1154 1216,1217,1218,1219,1220, Inganni, E 1413
Coleridge, F G 1106 1221, 1222, 1226 Italian School, 18th Century 1276
Continental School, 19th century 1406 -Garstin, C 1223 James, D 1382
Jeune, Hie 1333 Mulready, Attributed to W 1348
Smith, CA ~ 1168
]obling, R 1191 Mutrie,AF
1017 Smith, H' 1314
]ohn,AE 1256,1257, 1457 Myers, E
1185 Smith,]W. 1090
Johnson, R 1461 Nash, P 1266
Spaendonck: Circle of G va~ 1001
]ohnstone, H] 1157, 1158 Nicholl,A
1094 Spenlove-Spenlove, F 1448
]olley, M G 1079 Noble,] 1045
Stainton, G 1376
Keene, E 1180 Noel,]
1404 Stanfield, Attributed ta C 1093
Kilburn, G G 1165 Nutter, WH
1096 Stanier, H 1100
King, H]Y 1129 Odin, B 1025,1027
Stannard, Follower of E H 1004
King,] B 1130 Orchardson, Sir W Q
1356 Stannaièl, H] S 1060,1066,1107
Kinnaird, H ] 1120,1121,1324 Orrock,]
1139 Stan nard, L 1061
KitCat 1235 Oyens, D
1431 Stella, Circle of] 1275
Kleinschmidt, ] 143,0 Palin, WM 1388, 1444
Strachan, A C 1069, 1070
Knapp, S 1475 Palmer, H S 1113,1114,1141
Stretton, P E 1369
Knowles, F] 1312 Palmer,] L
1373 Stuart, WE D 1006
Kremer, P 1077 Panton, A
1313 Studd,AH 1224
Kruseman, ] T 1423 Parsons, B 1062,1063
Swanwick, H 1360, 1361
Kuwasseg, C E 1420 Perman, LE 1028
Szantho, M 1432
Ladbrooke, R 1269 Piper, ] 1263
Taimage,A 1458
Ladell, Manner ofE 1003 Piquer,] E D 1439
Taylor, Attributed to C 1184
Lancaster, P 1229 Pollentine, A
1304 Taylor, LC 1456
Langley, W 1230, 1442 Poole, Attributed to] 1298
Thors, ] 1287, 1288
Langlois, MW 1338 Potter, WB 1323
Turner, G 1291, 1292, 1293
Larsen, 0 1262 Powell, Attributed ta C M
1375 Varley, jnr,] 1140
Leader, B W 1296, 1297, 1300 Powell,] A
1084 Vezen, ] P van 1400
Lecomte, P E 1199 Priee, W 1464
Vickers,AC 1283
Lee,FR 1278 Priestman, B
1450 Vinter,] A 1357
Lee-Hankey, W 1447 Prout, Mrs M M F 1455
W .. ,E ... M ... 1075
Leemputten, T van 1401 Quaglio,D 1194
Wain,L 1181
Lemaistre, A 1410 Radford, E 1166, 1167
Waite,EW 1321,1322
Leslie, G 1282 Redgate,A W
1358 Walker, F 1163
Lewis, C] 1162 Redmore, Attributed ta E, K.
1377 Walker,] H 1347
Liberts, L 1437 Reinhardt, ]
1037 Walter, E 1026
Lidderdale, C S 1346 Renshaw,A 1072
Ward, Follower of] 1281
Linnell, ] 1277 Ricciardi, 0 1424, 1425
Wardle,A 1177
Lloyd, WS 1117 Richter, M]
1398 Wasley, F 1233
Longstaff, W 1040 Richter-Reich, F M 1086
Watts, Attributed to F W 1285
Lucas, Follower of AD 1023 Rigg, E H 1349
Watts,]T 1119
Macdonald, R] 1253 Roberts, E
1327 Weatherhead, W H 1159
Mac Whirter, ] 1319 Robertson, C 1097
Webb,] 1301
Madelian, G 1436 Robertson, T
1459 Weeks, F 1354
Maitland, P F 1443 Rooke, TM 1108
Weight, C 1477
Manly, EE 1164 Rosenstock, l 1038
Weslake, M 1005
Manners, W 1307 Ross,] H 1073, 1076
Wheatley,] 1138
Martin, 0 1128 Rountree, H 1251
White,] 1125,1126,1127
Matthews, ] 1065A Rowbotham, C 1102
Wiesenthal, F 1415
Mauve, A 1200 Rowney and Co., G 1087
Williams, A 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049,
Mayer, A 1195 Ryswyck, Ev 1030
McCormack, ] 1387 Salaman, E 1071
1055, 1056
McCrossan, M 1085 Scandinavian School 1405
Williams, K 1267
McGeehan,] 1352 Scarborough, F W 1193
Willmore, WG 1187
McGuinness, WB 1122, 1123, 1124 Schafer, H 1305 Wilson, CE
Meadows,A] 1378 Scott, S E 1252
Wimperis, E M 1308, 1309
Medard, E 1408 Scott, Sir P 1474
Winter, WT 1146
Mellor, W 1299 Sevier, M
1197 Woodroffe, P V 1238, 1239, 1240,
Meyerheim, F E 1414 Seymour, T 1315
1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245,
Mogford,] 1183 Shalders, G 1311
1246, 1247, 1248
Montague, A 1303 Sheldon-Williams, l 1232 Worlidge, T
Montague, C 1290 Sigmund, B D 1065 Zenetzis, V
Morley, H 1142 Sinclair, W 1365
Ziermann, C 1417
Morris, P R 1339 Smeatham, Follower of] 1342
Zinkeisen, A 1042, 1473
Mulready, W 1078 Smith of Chichester, G &] 1271
Zinkeisen, D

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  • SKU: 9326
  • Shipping Weight: 468g
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Sothebys
  • Condition: Good

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