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Phillips November 1999 20th C British & European Paintings and Sculpture


Phillip's - Bayswater, London
Sale title - 20th Century British and European Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture
Sale date - 2nd November 1999
No. of lots - 359
No. of pages - 61
Illustrated in black & white


Adams, N., 116 Jones, B., 202
Alexander, J., 260 Jones, L. F. A., 206, 207
Armfield, S. M., 21 Jones, M„ 129
Armour, G. D., 262 Kapp, E. X., 208
Barber, S., 103 Kass, D„ 231
Barker, K., 278A Kennedy, M., 233
Barratt, E,, 198 Kennington, E., attributed to,
Barton, R., 287 Kerr, H., 269
Batchelor, R., 110, 111 Knight, Dame 1.., 28
Batut, J., 302 Kondraki, H., 217
Bayly, C., 92 Lamb, FI., 93
Bazoglu, 1., 245 Lascaux, E., 298
Beanland, F„ 150, 151, 200, 201 Lawrence, G. F., 342
Bellany, J,, 30 Le Grice, J., 172
Belle, M., 310 Leigh-Pemberton, K., 254
Benois, N., 82, 87, 101 Leighton, A. C., 40
Berkes, A., 316 Lenkiewicz, R. O., 22
Berthot, J., 353 Lewis, L, 293
Besson, T., 305 Lloyd, N., 338, 339
Birch, S. J. I,., 11 Lowe, A., 237
Blow, S., 213, 266 Macdonald, M. E., 332
Boepple, W., 192 MacDonald, R., 61
Bone, Sir M., 36, 37, 38 Mackinnon, S., 68
Boureau, 324 Maignan, A. P. R., 299
Bowen, D., 139 Martin, M., 242
Bowles, J., 291 Mason, B., 283
Brangwyn, Sir F., 47, 210 Maze, P., 5, 59
Bratby, J., 134 McCall, C. J., 31
Briscoe, A. J. T., 155 McIntyre, K., 236
Bristow, N., 285A Menez, 330, 331
Britton, R., 91 Meninsky, B., 23
Brown, T,, 115 Merrifield, T„ 35, 125, 125A
Brundrit, R., 62 Merriman, E„ 250
Bullen, D., 251 Methuen, Lord P. A., 71
Burden, I1., 212 Moberly, M. J., 32
Burgoyne, G., 246 Moore, H., after, 295
Burleigh, C. FI. FI„ 4 Morley, PL, 214
Bushe, R., 195 Morris, M., 124
Campbell, N. M., 75 Morton, C., 285
Carter, S., 215 Mostyn, M., 8
Cartwright, R., 177, 178 Mostyn, T., 60, 86, 99, 100
Chadwick, L., follower of, 271 Mourad, L, 229
Chagall, M„ 312 Muirhead, D. T., 6
Chambers, S., 127 Munro, A. G., 13
Chapman, M., 218 Murray, Sir D., 10
Ciry, M., 301 Nalecz, FL, 340
Clark, A., 278 Naviasky, P., 41, 42
Clarke, D., 12 Neagu, P., 188, 189
Clarke, G., 136 Nicholls, B„ 104
Cliffe, H., 156 Nichols, R. W„ 239
Cohen, A., 76 Noble, J., 80
Collings, S., 282 Ntiro, S., 328
Conn, R., 197., 238 O'Donoghue, H., 232
Continental School, 314, 337, Paine, U., 78
Corfield, F, 288 Pasmore, V., 290
Coxon, R., 154, 185 Peacock, B., 51
Craig-Martin, M., 180 Peake, M., 29
Crazier, W., 157, 158, 159 Pearce, A., 268
Cundall, C., 1 Peile, M., 88
Curtis, N., 182, 184 Pfeiffer, FI., 304
D’Anty, FI., 303 Pigeon, G., 267
Dallaire, J.-G., 313 Pitchforth, R. V., 108
Dauchot, G., 300 Portway, D., 132
Delcroix, G., 315 Pritchard, G., 289
de Smet, I.., circle of, 320 Prout, M. F., 48
de Souza, F., 137 Ray, R„ 168
de Troyer, P., 321 Reid, P., 163
Dean, G., 249 Rhys-Jones, S., 248
Dielman, E., 240 Richter, H. D„ 95
Douglas, G., 74, 105 Ritchie, L., 279
Dower, N., 107, 161 Robin, G. C., 306
Dring, W., 284 Rowley, O., 90
Dunlop, R. O., 89 Russel], G., 50
Durrant, R. T., 146-149 Salisbury, F. F., 2
Easton, H„ 24 Sanders, C., 34, 255
Ehrlich, G., 16, 205 Sands, F., 65, 66
Engels, L.., attributed to, 322 Sayer, D., 272-277
Evans, M., 243 Seabrooke, E., 109, E„ 199
Feigl, F„ 336, 343 Segal, H„ 128
Fidler, F., 164 Selley, C., 169
Fidler, H„ 14 Short, 292
Fidler, H., manner of, 102 Sickert, W. R., follower of, 55
Fishwick, C., 52, 118 Skeaping, J., 85
Flatter, J., 335 Smith, A. R., 112
Floyd, D. H., 64 Smith, D., 190, 191
Forty, F„ 152 Smith, L., 162
Fowler, R., 257 Souza, F. N„ 252
Fox, M., 19 Spare, A. O., 54
Fraser, C., 171 Spear, R., 77
Freeman, A., 211 Stahl, A., 187
Freeman, F., 186 Steer, P. W., 113, 114, 126
Freud, L.., 135 Stern, J., 259
Frone, J., 216 Strang, W., 121
Frost, A., 247 Strevens, J., 53
Fry, L.. G., 70 Suddaby, IL, 120
Galey, G. P., 354-359 Suddaby, W„ 138
Gaudier-Brzeska, H., 122 Sutton, K., 281
Gear, W., 145 Sutton, L., 165
Geigenberger, O., 327 Sydney, B., 296
Genin, L., 309 Szegdi, N., 241
George, P., 204 Taylor, S., 26
Gibbon, B. W., 106 Thomson, A. R., 33
Ginesi, E., 153 Tibbie, G., 9
Gledstanes, E., 166 Tisdall, 11., 44
Glossop, A., 280 Tobey, M„ 345
Godlevsky, I. 1., 325, 326 Toledano, E., 346-351
Greene, S., 220 Toledano, P., 352
Greenwood, ()., 49 Tribe, L.., 193
Griffin, P., 221-228 Tuke, H. S., 20
Guerin, A. M., 307, .308 Uglow, E., follower of, 119
Guinness, 263 Ulhman, F., 72
Hall, C„ 69, 261, 265 Vaughan, K„ 27, 131
Hall, E., 17, 18 Veal, H., 97, 98
Hall, F„ 94 Verdier, M., 317
Hall, H. R,, 79 Vertes, M., 311, 318, 319
Hayden, 11., 297 Vincent, F., 270
Hayman, P., 141 Volley, J., 219
Heath, A., 196 Walser, K., 323
Hennes, H., 63 Ward, L., 294
Herman, |„ 56, 57, 58, 133 Ward, S., 230, 234
Hicks, N., 130 Warhol, A., after, 344
Hilton, R., 286 Webster, W. E., 25
Himid, L., 194 Weight, C, 45, 46
Hirschenhauser, R,, 329 Wentworth, R., 258
Hitchcock, H., 73 Wheeler, Sir C„ 96
Hitchens, J., 160, 170 White, E., 81, 83 , 84, 209
Hodes, C., 183 Whittington, M., 15
Hodgson, G., 333, 334 Wilcox, L. A., 256
Holmes, K., 67 Wilde, G., 43
Howard, K., 39 Williams, J., 244
Hughes, I, 173-176 Wilson, F. A., 140
Ihlee, R., 3 Wilson, S., 142, 143, 144
Irvin, A., 181 Wolfe, E., 203
Jameson, F., 167 Wood, C., 7
John, A., 123 Young, F„ 235


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  • Model: w_wat.1374
  • SKU: 41486
  • Shipping Weight: 250g
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Phillips
  • Condition: Good

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