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Christies February 1993 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings & Watercolors


Christie's - New York
Sale title - 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings and Watercolors
Date - 16th February 1993
No. of lots - 337
No. of pages - 79
Illustrated in colour and black & white   

INDEX Agresti A Andreis A de Andrews J Andrieu P Anglade G Armfield M A Arnescn V Bach A Ballavoine J F Barnes E P Bannatyne J J Barison R Bcauduin J Bcllandi E Bcltran Masses F Beraud J Berg A van den Bertauld J Boogaard W J Brangwyn F Sir Brandt C L Brandt J von (Manner of) Brcanski A de Bressin F Briante E Brunei de Ncuville A A Buzzi A Caceres R de Capuano F Carbo M F Y Cardon C Carey J W Carlebur F Carlier M Carreno F D Y Catano F Catton C Jr Chaffin Chaplin C Chlesbowski S von Choultse I F Ciceri E Clare O Clark W A Clint A Cole G V Conti T Continental School Cooper T S (Manner of) Corrodi H D S Cortes E L Costantini G Coudert B du (Attributed to) Courtens H Couture T (After the artist) Cox D (Attributed to) Dahl H Dalmau E P Decamps A G Delphy J H Denis L Detaille E Devedeux L Devrient W Doyle R Dubufe Duluard H F L Eastern European School Edwards L English School Fattori G (Attributed to) Ferranti C Ill Fisher J (Attributed to) Fontaine V Forain J L (Attributed to) Founder C Fox G Francais F L Francia F L T (Attributed to) French School Frey J W Frisch J C Forain J L (Attributed to) Fuller L J Gabani G Gabriel F Gaiser J E Gale W Gautier L George F Georges Dell'Aqua C F German School German/Austrian School Gifford J Giordano F Girodet de Roucy Trison A (School of) Greenwood P Grips C J Guerra A Cues A F Guys C laag C Flagen van lague School Harpignies Harris F H H Hayes C Hebert J Heilmayer K Heine W Henderson C C (School of) Henner J J Hermans C Hermes J Hernandez D Herringjr B Heyer A Hiddeman J Hildcr R Hilgcrs C Hodges W H Hodson S J Horlor G W Hunn T Hunt W H Isabey L G E Israel D Israels Italian School Iwill J Jacquet G J Jensen J L Jensen J L (Manner of) Jones R Kaub Casalone A Kaulbach F A von Kavel F M Kcirsbilck J van Kelly R G T Knight D R (Attributed to) Knochel H Kolesnikoff S Kranz E Kuwasseg K J Lambert C A Laporte G H Lara E (Attributed to) Laudy J Laugcc G Leaver N H Lebel E Leemputtcn C van Lepoittevin Lesrel A A Lessing K F Lidderdale C S Liebermann M (Attributed to) Lindin C O E Luyten J H Maggs J C Mancini C Manners W Marchisio A I Marko A Marny P Margitay T Mascart G Massani P Mathurin M Mendoza Menegazzi C Meteyard S H Meyer J H L Michel G Miro J Montpezat H D C de Morelli (Attributed to) Roosenboom N J Morgenstern K E Rosch L Morris J Rose K J Muirhead D T Rottmanncr A Mullcr F Roussel T Muller W J Rust J A Munthe L Rybkovski T Musin A Sagstatter G H Nash J Saurfelt L Nasmyth P Sauvageot C T Nauer L Scala V Neogrady L Schafer H Niemann E J Schafer H T Noulah E E Schann P O'Ncil G B Schntid E Scorzelli E Olivetti L Scottish School Ontmeganck P B Seanche B Fl Oorschot D van Seben H van Ostersetzer C Seignac G Seitz A Pether A a Severdonck F van Pilleau H Sevestre J M Piot E A (Attributed to) Shamberk V (Continental School) Plock H C (Attributed to) Shaw A W Pollctine A Shayer W (Attributed to) Poole P F Sieburgcr G Prosdocini A Simensen S Simon T F Quignon F J Slout Valmingon A van der Smith J B Ranftl J M Sonrel E Reder Broili F Sowerby J G Rcichert C Spenlove F S Rcverchon V B Spielmann V Ribot T A Spohler J J C Ricci G Stachicwicz P Ricciardi O > Stademann A (Attributed to) Rignano V Stiepevich V G (Attributed to) Roberts D Summer A Ronner E A H Szasz Tanoux A H Taylor E A Thornley W Tonge L van der a Trouillcbert P D Troyon C (Attributed to) Trubner W (Attributed to) Vaarbergh H Vautier B Vernct H Vilbert J G Vickers Sr A Voescher L H (Atttibuted to) Vollon A Voltz F J Vos V de Wainewright T F Waldorp A Walseth N Walter J Walters G S Washington G Webb J Weber A C Werner A A von Wheeler J A (Attributed to) Whitford R Willemart L Wilson J (Attributed to) Wingate J L Wright R Young W B Zamora G Zardo A Zatzka F

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  • SKU: 28641
  • Shipping Weight: 330g
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Auction House: Christie's
  • Condition: Good

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